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Spending, Life, Income, Food Updates…

Can’t believe it’s almost the middle of November! This month is flying by. I had a good weekend, except for how I started to feel sick...

Sunday Meal Plan

Hope you are all having a great weekend! I have a picture of a dining room above because this is pretty much what I want to do with our...

Weekly Roundup and my Giveaway

Hope you all are having a great weekend. I’m pretty excited for tonight. My friends are coming in town and we’re having a girls’ night....

Weekly Roundup and Extra Income Update

Hey everyone! I hope you all are having a great weekend. This past week went by super fast for me, but I guess that’s what happens when...

Spending, Life, Income, Food Updates…

Happy Monday! My weekend was good and relaxing, and i didn’t get much done even though I had a lot planned that NEEDED to be done. Oh...

Should I still be anonymous?

I’m sure you have all noticed, but lately I’ve been asking everyone on Twitter if I should still remain anonymous. Lately I have felt the...

Saving Money While Job Hunting

When the boy decided to quit his job, it was very unexpected. He couldn’t stand his job any longer, and we pretty much knew he was done...

$3,275 in Extra Income and My Goals!

Hey everyone! I know that every weekend and every month seems to fly by, but I really mean it this time: September went by super quick! I...

Switched to WordPress and Weekly Roundup

Hey everyone! I hope you had a great week. I’m glad it’s Friday and that I’ll soon be off work! Work was crazy busy this week also. I...

Blog: Blog2
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