Can’t believe it’s almost the middle of November! This month is flying by. I had a good weekend, except for how I started to feel sick and I think I had the stomach flu. It seems like everyone I know has had it this past month so I wasn’t extremely surprised.
I have good news for you all! As an update to my blogging anonymously post, I thought that I would let you all know that I have finally told 2 friends about my blog. Yes, yes, I know this isn’t a huge step, but because of my job I will not just broadcast my blog out there for everyone to know. I don’t really care about broadcasting it to everyone, I just wanted to tell those who I am close to about it.
I told the first friend about it a couple of weeks ago, and I told the second friend on Saturday night. A couple of drinks in and of course I was blabbering about it like there was no tomorrow. But they were both very interested in it and we were talking about it for awhile. I won’t lie though, I didn’t tell them the name or give them the link, just because I’m not ready for anyone that I know to read all of my personal posts about my mom and dad.
I will of course one day share it with them. Just not yet! 🙂
The next month and a half will be good for me. Thanksgiving, a short vacation in December and having the days around Christmas and New Years off will be really nice!
My updates:
Spending: We did good with our spending this week. We both went out on Saturday and didn’t spend a lot of money, which is always great! I did go shopping as I said in my Weekly Roundup post, but I only bought one shirt and it was only $14.
We are really trying to limit any extra spending so that we can throw EVERYTHING at my student loans. We are really determined to get rid of these by April of 2013, which will take a little work since I do still have around $35,000 left. I will make a post on how we will make this possible very soon.
Extra Monthly Income (this is on top of my salary from my job): I made $1,360 from extra income last week. This includes staff writing, my blog and rent from my sister for the room she rents from us.
Don’t forget about my giveaway, maybe you can make some extra monthly income as well!
Food: We did very good with our food spending this past week. We ate out on Wednesday (I think, it might’ve bee Thursday) and Sunday. Our goal is to eat in 5 days this week again.
Being healthy: I actually did really good with this! I went running with my dog 3 times last week, and did a little bit of Insanity (I would’ve done more but I’m lazy). My goal is to go running with her everyday this week as long as the weather permits.