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Weekly Roundup and my Giveaway

Hope you all are having a great weekend. I’m pretty excited for tonight. My friends are coming in town and we’re having a girls’ night. WOOHOO! And we’re also running to the mall to find some cute outfits. Promise I won’t spend too much but I do want some new clothes 🙂

If you haven’t yet, please run over to my Passive Income post and let me know what you or if you do anything for passive income. I am very interested in what you have to say.

Also, thanks for all your emails and kind comments on my post about how I made $3,700 last month! Check out my post if you haven’t done so yet 🙂

We’re thinking Miami for our short trip in December instead. This is for many reasons, mainly because I want to finally see my grandfather. That is for another post soon though.

Favorite posts of the week:

And you’re probably all sick of hearing about my giveaway, but oh well 🙂

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