Hope you all had a great weekend! I’m loving this long weekend for Labor Day. I have a lot to do, but the break and sleeping in are still nice.
Thanks everyone for your kind comments on my post yesterday. My dog is doing better. She is still extremely tired but I’m going to guess that it’s still from her allergic reaction. Her face and eyes are finally back to normal. This took up a lot of my weekend, which of course I don’t mind because she is very important to me.
We had a pretty cheap weekend. We went on a brewery tour yesterday which was free. Then we went to a party at our friend’s house where she supplied everything (free again!) and then we had the boy’s brother and sister (who are 9 and 12) spend the night. They are still here. We got pizza yesterday and the lady gave us free salad for four and free wings, which was super nice!
The boy was offered another job but isn’t positive if he’s going to take it (keep in mind that he still has his old job, so he’s going to be picky until he finds the perfect one). He also has a second interview on Tuesday and the district manager says he for sure has the job, and this is the one that he’s been waiting for.
Check out my posts on other blogs that I’ve done recently as well: Building an Emergency Fund and 4 Ways You’re Preventing Yourself From Finding a Job.
P.S. Liz over at Aspirations of Glam made a great blog post yesterday about How to Become Financially Glamorous! I always love when beauty and fashion bloggers talk about money because it’s not what they usually talk about.

We went on the brewery tour on Saturday.
My updates:
Spending: We bought some clothes on Sunday. I bought 3 sweaters and a pair of jeans. And the Boy bought 2 shirts and a movie. I sold clothes (as said below) and only spent $5 more than what I sold. WOOHOO! That’s definitely a win in my book.I’m still looking for a cute pair of riding boots. Where can I find some? I’m really picky and haven’t found the perfect pair yet. Send me links below 🙂
Extra Monthly Income: I made around $300 extra last week. This is mainly online income with also about $25 of secret shopping. I was going to the mall anyways, and just did a quick secret shop which only required me to buy something and then return it 30 minutes later. Super easy!I also sold clothes on Sunday. I sold enough to make up for all the clothing spending that I did. Getting clothes for practically free is very nice!
Food: We’ve been doing ok, but not the greatest. I need to do some grocery shopping for bread, fruits and vegetables. Not much else though as we already have a ton of meat and other ingredients to make meals with.
Being healthy: I’m still working on this. I’m definitely eating much, much better though. Still thinking about taking some sort of class but still can’t decide (and I haven’t really looked into anything). We probably plan on buying a home gym for our basement as well, but that will wait a little bit.
How’s your spending, working out and extra income going?