Happy Monday. I hope everyone had a great weekend.September is definitely flying by now. Does anyone else love this time of year anymore than me? It’s about to be Fall, and I love everything about it. The weather, clothes, get togethers, Halloween, etc.
Also, there will be a lot of new things coming soon. I am starting a second blog which will be more focused (I won’t be giving any details just yet!). My sister will be the main one running it, but I will be helping her with a lot of things on it. I’m very excited for it. The boy is loving his job. This is his second week. I hope it continues to go great for him 🙂
My updates:
Spending: We did a little more shopping last week. We bought a couple more button ups and slacks for him. He should be good with work clothes for now, but eventually we will probably have to buy more. We often pick items of clothing up second hand as there are some great bargains out there however, I find if you’re a curvier woman shopping for plus sized clothes going straight to a shop with plus sizes available can save you money in the long term.
I don’t know if I admitted this on the blog yet, but we also bought an iPad around 2 weeks ago. I’m still a tad ashamed that we bought it because we should be living more frugally so that my debt can be paid off. Don’t kill me!
We also had to buy a vacuum over the weekend because ours finally broke. We’ve been putting off the purchase for a while but it was definitely needed.
I also did a lot of work clothes shopping for myself also. Banana Republic had a great sale and I found a bunch of pants for only $18! And I bought three long sleeves also.
Extra Monthly Income: I didn’t do as good as the week before (where I made $600), but I did do well still. I made around $350 last week from my side hustles.I’m expecting my extra monthly income to start stabilizing at somewhere near $300 to 400 a week. Of course I don’t rely on this income, instead it gets put towards my vacation fund, extra clothes and extra debt payments. My plan was for this months extra income to go towards clothes, but I don’t want to spend all of my extra monthly income on that of course.
Food: We’ve been doing good. Now that I get home before the boy on most nights, it’s much easier for me to cook without him starving (I used to not get home until 10 pm from night classes).I do need to start coming up with new meals that we don’t usually eat, and also using our crock pot more.
Being healthy: I’m definitely doing better with this. Still running with the dog and working out. I’m loving all of this extra time that I have because now I’m able to do the things that I want.
How’s your spending, working out and extra income going?