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Saving While on Vacations

Many people are going on vacation this weekend for Memorial Day, and many people are also planning a summer vacation, so I made a...

Cheap or Frugal

I am cheap in many ways. I need to learn how to buy things for quality over quantity. As you all know, last week I asked you all on...

My Plumbing Mistake…

Yup, this happened last night. To everyone who follows my Twitter and saw my numerous tweets yesterday, I had a plumber come over. It did...

My Blog Sale!

I have a lot of things for sale. Whatever you guys don’t buy, I will take to a consignment store and the rest I will donate. Also e-mail...

Financial Milestones in Your 20s

There are many things that I want to accomplish in my life. Starting the things listed below will only make life easier for the most...

Goals and Extra Monthly Income Update

May is my birthday month, but I’m sure you already knew that 🙂 I switched to Intense Debate for my comments last month, how is everyone...

Having a Sibling Move In

My sister has been begging me for months to let her move in. I have thought long and hard about this and this wasn’t the easiest...

Work-Life Balance and My Life

Between working 45 hours at the office every week, taking 12 credits in my MBA program this semester, blogging and doing homework, I...

It’s Friday Friday Friday

Hopefully I didn’t get that horrible song stuck in your head just now. Short post today. I’m super happy that it’s Friday, but I am a...

I Love My Life – The Good Things

After yesterday’s post I wanted to think of the good things in my life. I usually don’t like a pity party, so no one feel sorry for me! I...

Blog: Blog2
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