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  • Writer's picturePuang Reviews

It’s Friday Friday Friday

Hopefully I didn’t get that horrible song stuck in your head just now.

Short post today. I’m super happy that it’s Friday, but I am a little sad that I have a jam packed weekend. I’m going camping for one night (as long as it doesn’t rain) on Saturday night and then I have a TON of homework and papers to write. And I also have group projects that I need to meet up for on Sunday.

I’m glad that this semester is almost over. I’m starting to feel extremely drained. A career and a full-time MBA program do not mix well. Too much math and finance in my life!

Anyways, I know I shouldn’t be looking at clothes, but I need some summery stuff. Yes, you can throw rocks and sticks at me now.

I’ve been loving everything on the Spool 72 website. I promise this isn’t a sponsored post, but I love everything on there. Has anyone ever bought from them? How’s the quality? Are their sizes correct? Or does anything fit a little weird? I wish they had models modeling the clothes. I don’t need any more dresses, but they’re all so cute! The dresses are around $50 each, so of course I want to make sure that I’m getting something decent.

Have a good weekend!

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