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Do You Spend $12,000 Each Year To Look Good?

The other day I came across an article that said men and women spend around $15,000 in their lifetime to look good. At first that amount...

What If It Floods On Our Wedding Day? And Weekly Update

There’s a road under that river. Read the Wedding section below to hear more… Hello! I hope all of you had a great week. Our squirrels...

$12,100 in March Business Income

March seemed like a busy month, but it didn’t live up to February even though there were three more days in March. In March of 2014, I...

March Update and April Goals

Our first green smoothie ever… YUM! Hello everyone! I know it’s still March, but it’s the last day so I figured it was fine for me to...

I’m a Lazy Bride and Weekly Update

This past week was a good one, except for two little things. One – Wes hurt his back and couldn’t walk at all, which meant we had to go...

Are Rewards/Bonus Credit Cards Right For You?

It seems like using credit cards for a reward/bonus is becoming more and more popular. However, is it for everyone? I think there are...

Forest Park and Weekly Update

It was still a little cold, but luckily it’s supposed to be around 75 degrees tomorrow and Tuesday. Don’t worry though because this...

February Goals – Making and Keeping Them

Hey everyone! I found the picture to the left the other day in a photo album. My dad LOVED taking photos and I still remember when we...

Common Myths About Working From Home

Whether you work for yourself and your office is in your home, or if you telecommute and work for someone else, I’m sure you’ve heard...

Plenty of Wedding Planning and Weekly Update

Not too much happened this weekend for us. We tried to do a little off-roading the other day, but even the park was closed because of the...

2014 and January Goals – It will be a GREAT year

Hey everyone! I hope all of you had a great weekend and New Year’s. St. Louis is currently being hit by horribly cold weather – today...

How About Another Question and Answer?

Family Christmas 2013 Hey everyone! I hope all of you are having a great week. If you haven’t read it yet, please read my post that was...

Happy New Year!

Hey everyone! I just wanted to pop in and say Happy New Year! We haven’t done too much because we are both recovering from the nasty and...

St. Thomas and Weekly Update

This is a Pinterest Fail of mine from last year. Hey everyone! I hope all of you had a great weekend. And, I hope all of you have a fun...

Our Truck Sold and Weekly Update

Some of you have been wondering why we come here so often, and you will find out tomorrow. I have a post dedicated to our travel plans...

December Goals and Life Update

Our magnetic Save the Dates! Ignore the really bad lighting and picture. I took it with my broken phone. Also, of course the black box...

What I’m Thankful For

I know that this is a personal finance blog and that I talk about money A LOT, but life is not all about money. Yes, being able to pay...

Would You Ever Move To A Completely New Place?

I see that some of you are in the planning stages to move to a new city, but then there are some of you (like me) who are making a ton of...

Blog: Blog2
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