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Our Truck Sold and Weekly Update

Hey everyone! We are currently in St. Thomas. We love it here and this is definitely one of our favorite vacation spots.

Some of you have been wondering why we come here so often, and you will find out tomorrow. I have a post dedicated to our travel plans for the next 6 months which will be published tomorrow.

The truck is almost sold.

A few months ago, we brought our 1961 Chevy Apache to a classic car dealership to put it on consignment. We really did not want to sell it, and giving the key to the sales manager definitely made me flinch.

So, why are we getting rid of it?

We bought the Camaro (Read: Our New Camaro 2SS) earlier this year with the plan that we would have bought our “forever home” in time for the winter so that we could put both cars in our future garage (we don’t care about the Jeep being in a garage or not). Well, since we scrapped the plans to buy a new house since we are still undecided with what we want to do, we only have a one car garage. Neither the truck (it has a wooden truck bed) nor the Camaro can sit in hail or the snow, so we had to make the decision to get rid of the truck.

We tried selling it on our own but had absolutely no luck. Instead we just had a bunch of people trying to scam us on the phone.

We brought it to a dealership and they put a price tag of nearly double what we were asking on Craigslist. I went on the dealership’s website the other day, and it says that the truck is sold. They have some things they need to do to get the truck ready for transfer, and then we will have to go up to the dealership to sign the title over to the new owner.

I am glad that the truck sold but I am also sad because I have grown attached to it. Oh well, the truck will be going to someone better, and I have a little more money in the bank now. I also don’t have to worry about the truck getting damaged or breaking either.

We are now a 2 car family again, which is probably still more than we need but oh well.


Everyone is probably tired of hearing about this, but we FINALLY had our carpet installed. After this being on my things to do and goals list for the past few years, I am glad it is finally done. And it looks and feels awesome. I’m so glad that we finally stopped being lazy. We paid around $500 for it, and we paid for it back in November I believe.

We also did some work in the guest bathroom. We ripped out the sliding doors to the bathtub and replaced it with a shower curtain (the sliding doors were VERY old and a gross yellow color). We spent around $100 at Target buying a new rod, shower curtain, liner and matching towels.

The next thing on our list is to replace the garage door. We hope to do that before we leave for our long trip.

Business Income:

Self-employment has been amazing so far this month. The first week of December was a little slow, but it has since picked up considerable. I don’t think December will be a crazy busy month though. The holidays in December tend to make the month a rather slow one.

I have already started working on getting many things done before we leave on our long trip. However, I still have a ton more to do! It is nice knocking each thing out one by one. Knowing that I will be able to enjoy my trip more by knocking out all of these small things makes me super happy.

If anyone needs any help, check out my Hire Me page and let me know what services you are interested in. Lately, a few other website owners have asked me to help run their website while they are gone for just a month or two, so this is a new service that I am also offering. If you are starting a new job, about to have a baby, want to do some long-term travel or something else, please let me know.

Posts from Making Sense of Cents:

  1. $13,387 in November Business Income – This is my usual monthly update. However, November was my first full month of self-employment, which makes the newest income update the most exciting.

  2. Making The Decision To Leave Your Job – It was hard for me to make the decision to leave my job. After a lot of planning though, I did what was best for me and I haven’t looked back.

  3. Tips For A Better Work-Life Balance – I used to constantly find myself stressed out because of the amount of things on my plate. However, now I have a much better work-life balance and have found many ways to enjoy my new-found freedom.

  4. How Would Your Life Be If You Didn’t Have Debt? – After eliminating $40,000 in student loans, I can honestly say that life without student loan debt is amazing. We still have our mortgage though, and I can’t wait until we find our forever home and start attacking our mortgage.

  5. 3 Practical Steps to Launch Your Freelance Writing Career – If you want to become a writer, read this! Alexa is awesome and wrote a post for Making Sense of Cents.

Being healthy

I have been doing pretty well with working out. All last week I ran (okay, I walked a lot of it…) between 3 to 4 miles each day. I hope to continue this into the future!

Wedding Planning

A lot of wedding stuff is on my mind right now. I finally booked our wedding DJ as well. We are using Top Tier Entertainment, a St. Louis DJ, for our wedding! I met with him the other day and he was very nice, and he is exactly what we are looking for.

Have you been doing well with your extra income, spending and being healthy?

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