Hey everyone! I found the picture to the left the other day in a photo album.
My dad LOVED taking photos and I still remember when we would go to the store all the time to buy a new photo album for all of the pictures that he would get developed.
I didn’t really think about it when I was younger, but I’m so glad that he took the time to leave me all of these photo albums (our guest bedroom and living room are filled with albums – there are probably around 100 or more).
I found this picture of us on an airplane (flying planes was his other love) and I can’t stop looking at it. Love you and miss you always Dad!
Anyway, I hope everyone had a fun weekend. No, I did not watch the Super Bowl. I feel like I’m the only one who didn’t but I never watch it so that’s nothing new 🙂 Today is also W’s birthday! Happy Birthday!
January was another great month. It started off slow business-wise, but the last two weeks were definitely good.
Make sure to come back tomorrow for my monthly income update. I published my 2014 goals post last month. Read about them here.
Now that it’s February, some of you might have already forgotten about your 2014 goals. Many people drop their goals within the first month. However, don’t be one of those people!
Here are my tips to keep your goals.
Don’t push your goal off. It’s so easy to say “Oh, I’ll take today off.” However, whenever I do that, that almost always leads to me pushing it off the next day and the next day.
Keep track of your goals. Keeping track of your goals can be a great motivator. Keep a journal, start a blog, have a friend help out or find another way.
Don’t make too many goals. I’ve met many people who make so many goals that I don’t even know how it’s possible to remember all of them. If you have so many goals to accomplish within the next year, then they must not be very hard (how else are you going to reach your 1,000 goals for 2014, unless they are super easy?) or you are just hoping for an extremely successful year. There is nothing wrong with that, but I do feel that focusing on just a few large goals is usually best for most people.
Your goals should be realistic. Are your goals even attainable? If your goal isn’t attainable, then you may completely give up midway through.
January Goals Update
Keep our food budget under $400 and meal plan. PASS. We have been doing great with this. In the past 8 days, we only went out to eat one time. That’s not a big deal for some, but for us it is. We have been eating at home more, eating tastier meals, and have been eating more healthy.
Make $10,000 in business income this month. PASS. It wasn’t one of my best months, but it was a good one.
Book the caterer and wedding rentals. PASS. We haven’t finalized the contract with the caterer, but we do know who we are using. We also paid for our wedding rental deposit as well. Read my crazy wedding rant from the other day if you haven’t yet.
Run 3 miles, 5 days a week. PASS. I did great with this!
Get completely organized for personal/business taxes. FAIL. I definitely did not get completely organized for my taxes. I plan on doing that this month though. I did gather everything together and throw it all in a pile though 🙂 Better than nothing, right?
February Goals
Keep our food budget under $400. This will always be on my monthly goals so that we don’t forget. We have been doing really well with this the past few months.
Make $10,000 in business income this month. I’m hoping that February is a good month. I have many plans!
Finalize the wedding invitations. This is something that I haven’t really started yet. I need to make the invitations and have them ready to go. I will probably send them out in early April. Does that sound like a good time for an early June wedding? I already sent out Save the Dates so everyone already knows when the date is.
Find tuxes. We plan on finding our tuxes this month. We plan on renting sleek black tuxes, but I also don’t want to break the groomsmen’s budgets.
Run 4 miles, 5 days a week. I increased this a little bit. I also plan on partnering this with T-25 again and some lifting. I love having a full gym in our basement! The high cost in the beginning of buying everything for our home gym has definitely paid off.
How did you do in January? What is your main goal for February?
What tips do you have to keep your goals?