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Relationships and Money

Most people look at me like I’m INSANE when I tell them that I bought a house with my boyfriend, let alone that we have joint finances....

Blog happenings

Hey everyone! Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I have so much to do today. Homework, group projects, studying for midterms...

Why don’t you get to know me?

I thought I’d make a post on random things about me so that you all can get to know me better. Enjoy! Here’s the entertaining list: I...

Goals and Extra Monthly Income Update

I hope everyone’s having a great week so far. Seems to be going by relatively fast. Before we know it, I’ll be on vacation! Whooo hooo!...

Oh Sunday…

Hope everyone’s having a great weekend. I have too much to do today. The horrible list: The house is a mess. I need to clean. We have a...

Biggest Financial Mistake

Hope everyone’s having a good week! It’s gone by pretty quick. I still don’t have my voice back so I guess I need to go to the doctor...

A LONG depressing post about my Dad

I’ve had this post in my queue for quite some time now. I wasn’t sure if I should post this, but it was nice typing it up because it...

New Car Costs

The BF bought a new (old) car on Friday. We paid $2,800 in cash for it. It’s worth more than what he bought it for and as he was looking...

Oh Sunday

I hope everyone’s having a great weekend! Here are some interesting search keywords for my blog lately: Girl slapped me I don’t want to...

Sunday Funnies

Today has definitely been a lazy day. I did our taxes (we’re getting back $4,200 WHOO HOOO!), and now I’m trying to do my homework. I...

Oh Valentine’s Day

I’m so glad that it’s Friday. What are your plans for the weekend? This post is Valentine’s Day related. As some of you know, I’m not a...

I want my student loans to be GONE

Over at Girl with the Red Balloon, she announced that she just recently paid off the rest of her loans, and she’s now completely debt...

My Extra Monthly Income

Today is Wednesday, finally! Anyways, I thought I’d finally give you the details on my extra monthly income. In my January Goals update,...

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