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Good things are happening – MBA, Tanning, Vacations

Writer: Puang ReviewsPuang Reviews

It’s Friday! Yes, I’m so happy. Not sure what I’m doing this weekend, but I’m definitely looking forward to whatever goes on.

Thank you all so much for your super nice comments and emails (a lot of you sent wonderful emails!) on my post about my dad the other day. I honestly feel SO much better since I was able to get everything out there.

I thought I’d switch it up today and just list a bunch of great things that have happened to me lately. I can’t have so many depressing posts in one week, right? I don’t want to have the reputation of being the depressing blog where I talk about nothing good. And I don’t want people just feeling bad for me, so get ready to heard about some good stuff in my life!

Oh yeah and just so you all know, I finally lowered my TV bill by a tiny bit. I didn’t realize that I had a satellite protection plan and that I’ve also been paying $6 a month for 2 years. TWO YEARS for NOTHING? Yeah so I deleted it. $6 isn’t a lot, but I was also paying it and getting nothing in return.

Found out I am for sure getting my MBA in August.

I e-mailed my adviser yesterday to see if my last 2 summer classes will finish off my MBA program. Turns out the classes that I did choose, I’m not allowed to be in. I was going to take one of these classes at a different college (because I need one more finance elective and my university didn’t offer one that I needed, so I was able to take it at another “sister” school). I was actually super excited to take it at this other university, because it’s one of the best MBA programs in the US (and the #1 Executive MBA program in the US).

And then the capstone class I signed up for at my original university, I can’t be in that either. Both are because of the same reason and that’s because I’m not in the PMBA program. They recommend that all of their students are at least 27, and they also REQUIRE that all students have at least 3 years of financial professional experience AFTER their graduation date. I have worked full-time all throughout undergrad and grad school, but I just graduated in May of 2010, so that only gives me 2 years. BOOO

So you could only guess how much I was freaking out yesterday when I got her email. All I could think about is how I would have to go to school until December just for 1 class. I was getting really upset and pissed.

But I then found 2 other classes that would work today as well. I’m now going to take an Options and Futures class, and my capstone class is a class that I’m allowed to be in as well. I’m still super happy though!

My capstone class starts around the 2nd week of June (I think) and meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and ends in the first week of August. My other class starts sometime in July and ends in the 2nd week of August, and meets on Mondays and Wednesdays. Each class meets for around 3 hours each day. So I this summer semester won’t be too bad, except for July when I have to go 4 days a week. But I think it’ll be extremely easy.


And my last class meets the day before I leave for Vegas. So you can only imagine how insane I’ll be in Vegas. Hopefully no one will remember.

I won a full year of FREE sunless tanning!

I entered a contest back in around November of last year. I totally forgot about the contest and the other day I got a phone call saying that I’m one of the random winners. I’m glad I won this because I was going to start tanning again (because I’m grossly pale and people keep asking me if I’m sick). But I really did not want to spend ANY money.

And I also didn’t want to go in a tanning bed because last year I got really bad spots on me (and I still have them) from tanning and also burning in the sun from before. So being able to do VersaSpa will be nice.


Of course I have a vacation next month! You guys are probably getting sick of hearing about it. But me and my friends are finally going to start setting some Vegas plans in stone. We’re not going until August, but we all want to get together and see how much money we’ll need, and start looking for good hotel prices together.

We also want to start figuring out how many girls are going. So far I think there’s now 6 or 7 of us. So now of course we’re going to want more than 2 beds, because by August, there were probably be 10 going altogether. It’s going to be insane. I’m looking forward to it so much though. Maybe we’ll spring for a huge suite at Caesars? HAHA I doubt it but we’re going to need something big.

What good things have been happening to you? Won anything good lately?



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