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Gulf Shores Recap and Weekly Update

Hey everyone! Happy Monday. This past weekend was nice and relaxing, but the weather was all over the place. It was 16 degrees on...

What is the American Dream?

Numbers and statistics interest me. While I was at FinCon, I received several sets of interesting statistics, and I wanted to share the...

Being Defined By Your Job or Career

FYI – This is kind of a rant post. Please don’t get upset if anything sounds crazy, I’m just trying to get everything off my chest....

October Goals and Life Update

I can’t wait until later this year when I get to go back here! Hey everyone! I hope everyone is having a great week. On Tuesday, I...

Things I Do To Save Money

Most of the things on my list are not crazy, and some will probably just be considered “boring,” not ridiculous enough or what you would...

Self-Employment and $5,382 in Extra Income

The picture to the left is from yesterday when we went for a long drive. We live in a suburb of St. Louis, Missouri, and drove around in...

A Wedding and $2,715 in Extra Income

Hey everyone! Happy Monday. This weekend went by way too quickly. I have had 3 day weekends for the past 2 weeks (and then a week-long...

August Goals and Life – Wedding Dress Picture Too!

The dress was in “oatmeal” when I tried it on but will be white when it arrives. Hey everyone! I hope everyone had a great weekend, and...

I’m on Vacation and $1,345 in Extra Income

This describes my life perfectly. Hey everyone! Happy Monday. I’m technically not on vacation yet, as it doesn’t start until 5 p.m....

2 Year Blogiversary and iPad+Cash Giveaway

here (it’s weird for me to read that post!). When I first started my blog, I’m not going to lie, I was a complete mess. I probably did...

New Orleans Planning and $3,526 in Extra Income

My dog is crazy… Hey everyone! Happy Monday. This was a crazy busy weekend for me, and I feel like I got nothing done. We leave for New...

Baseball game and $1,417 in Extra Income

This will be a short week and I only work 3 days, WOOHOOO! We were given free baseball tickets for yesterday’s Cardinals game and went to...

Engagement Photos

We had our engagement photos done last month. We went to Laura Ann Miller Photography and she was awesome. We went to the same college...

Bridal Shower and $3,645 in Extra Income

A goal of mine… Hey everyone! Happy Monday. The weekend went by way too quickly. Saturday was a pretty productive day and I was able to...

We’re Bike People and $1,975 in Extra Income

Hey everyone! Happy Monday. I had a nice 4 day weekend and I’m sad that it’s over already. I hope everyone had an awesome 4th of July...

June Goals and Life Update

I love having so much extra time to enjoy life and work on my side hustles. I had a long to-do list for this weekend and I’ve already...

$10,192 in June Extra Income – Side Hustles!

As you can see from the title of this post, June was a great month. I don’t know if July will be a repeat of this, but I’m hoping so. I...

Blog: Blog2
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