Hey everyone! Happy Monday. I was able to get a decent amount of side hustle work done over the weekend, but it still went by way too quickly. I can’t believe that July is almost over also.
This will be a short week and I only work 3 days, WOOHOOO!
We were given free baseball tickets for yesterday’s Cardinals game and went to that with W’s boss. It was fun! But hot… However, it was not unbearable like St. Louis usually is in the summer! It was both W and I’s first game for the year.
Does anyone watch Trueblood? This season has been pretty crazy so far! I can’t wait until next week’s episode, even though I will be very upset when it is all over.
Oh yeah and life without student loans is still A-MAZ-ING! Haha, I promise that will be one of the last times I talk about that. Maybe not though, I don’t know…
We did some spending in the past week. We bought some new shirts for the Cardinals game and W also bought some athletic shoes. Spent around $150. We seem to hardly buy clothes anymore so I was fine with this.
We will be returning the Cardinals tank top that W bought for me though (I was not there when he went shopping) because it was a MATERNITY shirt that he bought for me and it fits very awkwardly. Thanks W…
I also am going to Chicago this weekend for my good friend’s bachelorette party, and that will of course mean some spending as well. But I don’t care because it will be fun! I don’t think it will cost too much either, as most things have already been paid for (transportation, male strip-show tickets, and hotel). All that’s left is food and drinks, and possibly some shopping! I am so excited.
Do you know of any awesome bachelorette party games that we should play? We are making a bride to-do dare list, and that should be fun. 🙂 Any good tips would be great! I want it to be awesome of course. We will be in Chicago so if you know of anything that we must do, that will be very nice to know.

Extra Income (does not include income from our main jobs)
Extra income was good in the last week. Monday through Wednesday were completely dead freelancing days, and those slow days always make me afraid for what it will be like when I switch to 100% self-employment.
I always have this feeling that a dead day means that it will be dead forever, and that I am getting ahead of myself! I can’t be the only freelancing person who feels like this, right?
I do think that this week will be much better for freelancing income. I am supposed to receive several large payments today and/or tomorrow, so that should bump me a lot as long as I actually receive them.
I still don’t know when my 100% self-employment switch date will be. I’m still a little afraid to give up such a stable income from my day job, and how slow it was the first couple of days of last week was definitely scary.
I would like to start some new side hustles, such as writing for a couple of new websites and some more social media and blog management for others. Hopefully I can ramp this up, and I’m sure when I have more time I will definitely be able to do this.
Posts from my blog:
Bridal Shower and $3,645 in Extra Income – My usual weekly update where I talk about myself.
Engagement Photos – I posted our engagement photos last week. Apparently my red dress was a hit with you all. Thanks!
How to Set a Wedding Budget Part 1 – Jordann recently got married and had a beautiful, but frugal, wedding. She shares her awesome tips in this post.
Loan’s and a Nurse’s Budget – Last week, I received an email from a reader asking for help with her budget and loans. All of you gave such awesome tips/help. Thank you so much!
Link love:
Life as a Freelancer’s Wife Mo Money Mo Houses – Since I will be making the switch to freelancing soon, I loved this post of course!
Why you need to enjoy your job 20s Finances – I think that everyone should at least somewhat enjoy their job. Do you enjoy yours? What do you do for a living?
Is it possible to focus on both a career and a small business? Young Adult Money – I can honestly say that right now it is getting pretty difficult. Do you have both a career and freelancing or a side business? How do you manage?
7 Reasons Everyone Should Reach Financial Independence My FI Journey – I definitely agree!
Monetizing your blog Girl Meets Debt – I love when bloggers talk about whether they monetize their blog or not, and their thoughts on it. What do you think about people monetizing from their blog?
Being healthy
We have both been doing pretty well with being more healthy. I made very healthy lunches 4 days last week for work, and we ate in everyday in the past week also, with mostly “clean” meals. And everything tastes great! I have also been working out more than usual. I could of course be doing much better, but something is better than nothing, right?
Have you been doing well with your extra income, spending and being healthy?