My dog is crazy…
Hey everyone! Happy Monday. This was a crazy busy weekend for me, and I feel like I got nothing done.
We leave for New Orleans next week and I definitely need to step it up and finish some side hustle work so that I am not thinking about all of it while we are on vacation.
Also, the other day marked 2 years of blogging and Making Sense of Cents for me. I have a post and a giveaway (iPad and $250 is CASH!) dedicated to that on Wednesday 🙂
We didn’t do too much spending in the past week. I had to buy a pair of wedges for a wedding that I am in but they weren’t expensive and are actually something that I would wear again.
Spending will be higher next week though because we are going to New Orleans. However, we found a really AWESOME deal on a 4 star hotel, and it will only be $500 for 4 nights plus parking and including taxes. The hotel is right on Bourbon, so it seems like the perfect location.
At first we were going to stay at a not-so-nice hotel and we booked that one with the other couple, but I found a deal for something much cheaper and hopped right on it last week.
We canceled our other reservations and I booked 2 rooms for 4 days each and it was the same rate as the 2 star hotel that we originally booked. I honestly cannot believe how cheap it is! I guess that’s what happens when you book something at the very last second.
Gas wil probably be a couple hundred bucks for there and back (for each couple), as it is around a 10 hour drive and we are taking a Jeep, so it’s not the most gas efficient. Food and drinking will probably be the most expensive part of the trip, however, I definitely do not think we will spend over $1,500 on this trip on everything (including hotel, gas, food, etc.), and that is really overestimating everything.
If there is anything that you would absolutely recommend for us to do while we are there, please let us know! The four of us have never been and cannot wait.

Extra Income (does not include income from our main jobs)
Extra income was very good for the first 10 day of August. I have been working on expanding my side hustle income and I do have a few good potential leads that will hopefully go somewhere. I do have some other plans for things that I would like to do, I just need more time! I can’t wait until I have an extra 50 hours a week for expanding on everything that I want to do.
I still don’t know when my 100% self-employment switch date will be. I’m still a little afraid to give up such a stable income from my day job, and whenever a couple of days in a row are slow I definitely get nervous.
Posts from my blogs:
$11,117 in July Extra Income – This is my monthly extra income post. I surpassed my goal and it felt great! However, I’m not sure how August will turn out.
July Goals and Life Update – Life is GOOD!
Things people say when I tell them I am making the self-employment switch – People have definitely not been afraid to voice their opinions on my self-employment decision. Some of the things that people have said are just absolutely ridiculous.
Cheap ways to stay healthy – There are many ways to stay healthy but not hurt your budget.
How to manage a side business while traveling – Have you ever wanted to travel and work?
Link love:
Ditching the Day Job – 6 Months To Go Single Moms Income – WOOHOO! Another person who is going for their passion.
The Power of Partying, I Mean Networking Broke Millennial – Networking is always important.
How to get a Part-time Job at REI Teens Got Cents – I love REI, and I’ve always heard that it’s a great part-time job to have.
Being healthy
Ha, this has been a huge fail so far in August. I have been eating slightly better, but not the greatest. I haven’t really ran in forever, and working out altogether has been nearly non-existent. I’m not sure why this is, I guess I’ve just been a little more lazy when it comes to being healthy.
We haven’t touched our bikes so far in August, and that is something that I definitely want to change also. It has been kind of rainy lately, so I will blame it on that.
Have you been doing well with your extra income, spending and being healthy?