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How To Enjoy Life Without Going Broke

The items/experiences below are not all free (is anything absolutely free anyways?), but they are ways for you to enjoy life without...

How to Save Money When on a Family Vacation

Save Money When Booking Stay at a Hostel – Hostels is clean, comfortable, and affordable. They even allow you to have family rooms and...

Would You Move To A Completely New Place?

Last year here on Making Sense of Cents, I talked a lot about us buying a new home. However, I’m sure you’ve noticed that we have not...

Are Rewards/Bonus Credit Cards Right For You?

It seems like using credit cards for a reward/bonus is becoming more and more popular. However, is it for everyone? I think there are...

February Goals – Making and Keeping Them

Hey everyone! I found the picture to the left the other day in a photo album. My dad LOVED taking photos and I still remember when we...

2014 and January Goals – It will be a GREAT year

Hey everyone! I hope all of you had a great weekend and New Year’s. St. Louis is currently being hit by horribly cold weather – today...

St. Thomas and Weekly Update

This is a Pinterest Fail of mine from last year. Hey everyone! I hope all of you had a great weekend. And, I hope all of you have a fun...

Our Travel Plans For 2014

It’s no surprise that we are taking our long trip soon. We also have a few other trips planned, including St. Thomas (we are there now!),...

Would You Ever Move To A Completely New Place?

I see that some of you are in the planning stages to move to a new city, but then there are some of you (like me) who are making a ton of...

Gulf Shores Recap and Weekly Update

Hey everyone! Happy Monday. This past weekend was nice and relaxing, but the weather was all over the place. It was 16 degrees on...

Where should we travel to?

Now that I’m self-employed, I can pretty much work wherever I want to – I just need my laptop (well, and money). I can manage my business...

What I’m Fine With Spending My Money On

Even though saving money is important, most people do not want to be at the point where money is completely controlling their lives. As I...

Self-Employment and $5,382 in Extra Income

The picture to the left is from yesterday when we went for a long drive. We live in a suburb of St. Louis, Missouri, and drove around in...

Fun Things To Do In St. Louis – FinCon Fun!

Background: As some of you might know, the 2013 Financial Blogger Conference starts on October 17 (one month to go!). I am very excited,...

What’s Stopping You From Living Your Dream?

The other day I noticed that a lot of blogs participated in a blog hop about what they would do with their time if they had 3 months to...

New Orleans Recap – Cost and Pictures!

I slept for probably 12 to 15 hours each day. It was a sleep vacation for me… Also, nothing in this post was sponsored, I only included...

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