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Is a Business Degree a Waste?

EDIT: Please read my post about how I paid off $40,000 worth of student loans shortly after I turned 24. Recently, I read an interesting...

$5,983 in February Extra Income and Goals

In February, I made $5,983 in extra income, after expenses. In case you are new to my blog, “Extra Income” consists of all income that I...

$1,121 in Extra Income and Life Updates

Our good friends got married over the weekend and we spent a lot of time with good friends. It was a pretty cheap weekend also which is...

Saturday… and a $400 Giveaway

Happy Saturday everyone! If you were lucky/unlucky enough to be hit by the snowstorm, then this could possibly be the third day of your...

$823 in Extra Income and Life Updates

We didn’t do a whole lot, but it was a nice relaxing weekend. Our good friends (W has been good friends with the guy since first grade)...

How To Live On One Income

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to live only off of 50% of your income? Do you think your life would be easier or...

$2,420 in Extra Income, Life, Wedding Updates

This is the style that we are kind of going for. We LOVED this house. And it faces a lake. Happy Monday everyone! The weekend went by way...

Can it just be Saturday forever?

Hey everyone! Happy Saturday. This week seemed to fly by. It’s Mardi Gras weekend here in St. Louis. I won’t be going out until later,...

I spend too much money on him and GIVEAWAY

Nice, right? Hey everyone! Happy Monday. We had a great weekend. We wanted to try something new this weekend and we were to a Bob Marley...

I don’t care about the Super Bowl

Happy weekend everyone! Or to some/most of you, Happy Super Bowl weekend! I’m not a huge football fan, so don’t chop my head off. I am...

$6,523 in January Extra Income and GOALS

Yes, you read that correctly, I beat my goal that I made in December, and I made $6,523 in extra income in the month of January! After...

I’ll Never Be a Frugal Blogger

I’m what you might call a bad personal finance blogger. Or maybe just a bad frugal blogger (never said I was a frugal blogger though!)...

$3,340 in Extra Income, Life, Wedding Updates

We’ve been spending too much on eating out. Happy Monday everyone! Yesterday, I went to the bridal show and it was a lot of fun. W did...

Oh Saturday

Happy weekend everyone! This past week at work seemed to fly by, mainly because I was extremely busy the whole time. So much to do! Oh...

It’s the WEEKEND

Hey everyone! It’s finally Saturday. It was definitely a busy week at work so I’m glad to kind of relax. I’m getting my haircut today,...

$940 in Extra Income, Life Updates and 2013 Goals

I also have a $399 cash or tablet giveaway that will be up on my blog later today. Please come back and check that out! Didn’t do a whole...

Keeping Up With The Joneses

Do you ever feel like you are trying to keep up with the Joneses? It seems like everywhere I turn, a big purchase is happening to someone...

$1,193 in Extra Income, Life and Picture Updates

Happy Monday everyone! Another Weekly Update post here so I hope you all enjoy. I don’t think I’ve had one of these in a couple of weeks...

$5,770 in Extra Income in December

This is proof on my online income since some of you have asked. This is for the month of December and before fees and expenses (expenses...

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