Happy weekend everyone! This past week at work seemed to fly by, mainly because I was extremely busy the whole time. So much to do! Oh yeah, those are my wonderful pups above.
This weekend I’m hoping to get a lot done. I really need to start scheduling and writing posts ahead of time. I haven’t done this in forever. How far ahead do you write your posts? I’m hoping to get maybe 5 posts done, but I doubt that will happen. I have a long list of things that I want to write about, but I would like to knock them out beforehand.
I’m going to a bridal show on Sunday for MY wedding! First bridal show that I’ll have gone to that is focused on me. WOOHOO! Bring on the free drinks and free food 🙂 I hope to find a lot of good ideas and good vendors. Considering that I still need EVERYTHING for my wedding and nothing has really been planned, I know I will be going crazy at this thing. But that’s okay, because I love planning and just the thought of it makes me super happy!
This was a week full of whale posts. Sorry they were all so long! I obviously have a lot to say about everything. There will be some more whale posts for next week. I have at least one special post lined up for next week, a post all about how to become a virtual assistant. A lot of you have wondered what a VA does, and next week you will find out how to start and where to begin.
Also, I plan on publishing my How To Start a Blog post next week. Is there anything specific that you would like to know that I can answer in this post? I will try and include it and it’ll help me guide where the post will go. A lot of you e-mail me with your questions, but if you have any others, ask away in the comments below. I have a feeling that the How To Start a Blog will be a huge multi-post, so be on the look out!
Posts on my blog:
What Does a Virtual Assistant Do? – This post details possible things you can do as a virtual assistant.
Reconnecting With Family – An emotional post – I talk about about my dreams of having a normal family.
Wedding Budget – Our Expected Costs – If you’re not tired of wedding talk yet, then you will be after reading this lengthy post! I’m having a lot of fun planning, so look forward to even more posts in the future.
Time Management According to Strengths – This is a staff post by Jordann. All about time management!
Posts on my sister’s blog:
Becoming a Personal Trainer – At first she wanted to go into nursing, but after working in healthcare for a couple of years, she has completely changed her mind. This is why it’s good to get a job on internship in the field you want to work in before you jump too far in! She now wants to be a personal trainer.
Looking Cute When Working Out On A Budget – It can’t be only me and her who like to buy nice athletic clothes, right?
Jamie Eason’s 12 Week Free Plan – My sister is too healthy for me… 🙂
Favorite posts of the week:
Personal Finance Bloggers I Admire Evolving PF – SOMEONE ACTUALLY LIKES ME! 🙂
Churning Credit Cards for Hotel and Travel Rewards on I Heart Budgets
How Do You Define Success? Tackling Our Debt
Benefits of a Crappy Job Eyes on the Dollar
Are You Financially Ready For Kids? Prairie Eco Thrifter
5 Ways to Invest in Yourself on Young Adult Money
The Sexiest Thing My Money Has Bought on Plunged In Debt
Learn From Mexican Merchants – Avoid Being a Passive Blogger on Modest Money
I Will Never Retire on Krant Cents