Hey everyone! I can’t believe it’s February already. Felt like it was 2012 just the other day 🙂 2013 has been off to a great start and I don’t think I’ve been this happy in a long time. Things seem to be going well so far this year and everything is falling directly in place.
Yes, you read that correctly, I beat my goal that I made in December, and I made $6,523 in extra income in the month of January! After expenses, I made $5,823 for the month of January. I thought the goal that I set was pretty high since I made $5,570 in December (and thought that was hard). I still can’t believe that I am doing so well, when just one year ago my extra income was at around $100 per month.
EDIT: I finally made my post on How To Start A Blog – Tips for a Beginner, so check it out! This will be another multiple post series.
I will say that this is not all super easy. Well, none of it is. I spend enough time to make this a full-time job on top of my already full-time job. Luckily, I do enjoy what I’m doing so it’s not like I’m dreading anything. My goals that I have are also a great motivator. I just keep thinking about how badly I want my student loans gone, and also how badly we want a new house next year. Read further on my Extra Income page to check out my other extra income updates.
This is proof on my extra income since some of you have asked (I did edit the image to make it smaller). This is for the month of January and before some fees and expenses (expenses were around $700 and included a major giveaway that I hosted, PayPal fees, etc.) being taken out. The other income categories that are listed below were mainly just cash I received from my sister for rent. $6,198 plus $325 in rent equals $6,523.
January was another great month. I also started dabbling a little more in affiliate income, and it seemed to work. I plan on working with this more and hopefully it becomes a larger percentage of my monthly extra income.
Posts that were popular in January:
A lot of you are very interested in earning extra income. I have tons of posts scheduled for future weeks. I did have a question though: is there anything that you would like me to specifically cover in a future post? Can be about extra income or anything else? I’m always up for ideas!
My sister’s blog still seems to be going great also. The following has been strong and her posts seem pretty good. Please subscribe to FITnancials if you haven’t yet. Her RSS and Twitter are calling your name, I just know it!
You can find my 2013 goals update here.
January Goals Update
Keep our food budget down to $400. FAIL. We did bad. We started reverting to old habits. Towards the end of the month we started doing much better though.
Workout at least 3 times a week and lose 2 pounds. FAIL. I was super busy in January and was too lazy to workout because I was too tired. We have a treadmill being delivered next Thursday and I’m looking forward to that!
Make an extra $4,000 this month. PASS. See above and below! I made over $6,000 in January.
Make sure the new blog starts off great! PASS PASS PASS. Subscribe to FITnancials if you haven’t yet.
February Goals
Cook 5 days a week. Since we really want a new house within the next year, we are really trying to save as much money as we can for the down payment. As long as I have a interesting and tasty meal plan, I’m sure this is possible.
Run 5 times a week and lose 3 pounds. Since we will have the new treadmill, this will make it a lot easier.
Make an extra $5,000 this month. I increased this goal, but I still want it to be somewhat realistic. I’m hoping that it’ll just keep increasing and I’ll eventually be in the 5 digits.
Schedule the engagement photos photographer. I’ve e-mailed some places, but it seems like no one wants to get back to me. The main person I wanted emailed me back, so I guess that’s all that’s important! I guess I just wanted more choices, but oh well. The wedding industry here in St. Louis must hate me because they all seem to be horrible with e-mailing me back. Why list an email when you don’t email back!? IT’S BEEN 2 MONTHS!
Choose a wedding date. We need to talk to W’s family and come up with a date that will work since we will be using the family’s property.
Blog Goals
Twitter Followers: Goal was for 2,050 and I’m currently at 2,420 WOOHOO! I’m hoping for 2,600 in February.
Alexa rank: Goal was for 60,000. And I’m slightly below this amount. However, I am not focused on this. A lot of the bigger bloggers are at around 100,000, so I know that Alexa doesn’t really mean anything. All it means is that others with the Alexa toolbar are looking at your website.
Guest post at least 2 times this month. Haha FAIL yet again
Extra Monthly Income in January
Online Income (this includes staff writing, blog, virtual assistant tasks, affiliate income) – $6,198
Selling Clothes – $0
Miscellaneous – $0
Mystery Shopping – $0
Rent – $325