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Saturday… and a $400 Giveaway

Happy Saturday everyone! If you were lucky/unlucky enough to be hit by the snowstorm, then this could possibly be the third day of your long, unexpected weekend. I had Thursday off, but the roads were fine where I live so I went to work on Friday.

I have a full weekend. Yesterday, our close friends got married and had a lunch reception (which we missed because the wedding was planned last second). After both W and I got out of work we went out to celebrate. The celebrations continue tonight as well. I’m SUPER excited to go out with a big group because feels like it’s been forever (it actually hasn’t but oh well). We plan on giving them their gift today and I need to put that together still. Thanks everyone for your suggestions on Twitter yesterday 🙂

However, before that, me and my friend are having a little business meeting to talk about the business that we plan on opening soon. I can’t wait until I can officially tell everyone what this new business is. Some of you already know since you guessed correctly last week 🙂 Hopefully it goes well!

Posts from my blog:

  1. $823 in Extra Income and Life Updates – Extra income was slightly down last week, but I’m still happy with it.

  2. Blogger or WordPress – Tips on How to Move – Are you still on Blogger? You should think about switching! Blogger can delete your blog whenever they want to. In this post there are tips about how to move and why you should move.

  3. How We Handled $32,000 in Student Loans – I had a guest post to kick off the second week of my debt payoff series. Read about what her and her family did to eliminate student loans.

  4. Buying a Home as a Minimalist – Jordann talks all about her and homes!

Posts from my sister’s blog:

  1. 10 Tips For When Eating Out – My sister is super healthy and does certain things when she goes out to eat in order to stay healthy.

  2. Typical Day Of Meals – My sister is on a new food plan! I definitely couldn’t do what she does, but it’s nice to think about 😛

  3. Prep Your Meals For The Week – Save Money! – Over the weekend my sister spent a couple of hours prepping her meals for the whole week. It’s a great idea to save money and also to save time during the week!

I am loving these posts this week as they relate to my life in some form:

  1. How to pay off your mortgage in 3 not so easy steps Money Master Mom

  2. Feeling Forced to Tip Even for Horrible Service? Girl Meets Debt

  3. How Much is Too Much? Live Real, Now

  4. **Rant Alert** – An Online Business is NOT a Passive Income Source Debt Roundup

  5. Traveling is more fun when you are young Retire By 40

  6. How much do your friends or family know about your money? Mochi & Macarons

  7. Taking the Plunge: Why I Love Being Self-Employed Frugal Rules


I also have a giveaway for today that I am co-hosting. It’s Messy Dirty Hair’s blog birthday and she’s celebrating by having a giveaway. There are TWO $200 Visa gift cards up for grabs! There are two Rafflecopter forms below, make sure to enter both below!

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