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We’re Going To Live In Our RV Full-Time!

bought our RV? Since that time, we haven’t regretted our purchase one bit. Being able to travel and work at the same time is a wonderful...

Be More Confident And Get What You Want In Life

I used to feel this same way as well. While I’m not as confident as I hope to be (I’m still terrified of public speaking!), I am a fairly...

Living In An RV Full-Time – Should We Do It?

we bought an RV. We’ve been living in an RV full-time, except for around five days total when we’ve gone home to restock or to get...

Life Update And Travel Pictures

Time for another life, goals, and food budget update. I can’t believe it’s already been two months since I last did a life update. Life...

Why You Should Never Have Unused Vacation Days

That’s $52.4 billion in unused vacation days that workers won’t get back, or about $504 per worker. This is due to how most vacation...

How To Be Frugal And Fun (And Not Boring)

These are myths I despise and ones I’m trying to prove false. Being frugal doesn’t mean you have to be boring. There are plenty of ways...

Beginner RV Tips – Dreaming Of A Life On The Road?

We do still have many other things to learn. However, I wanted to create this post because I know many of you are interested in possibly...

Should You Spend Money On Experiences or Things?

Have you ever heard someone say “I wish I would have bought those $500 pair of jeans 35 years ago!” Or “I wish I would have bought those...

Make Money While Traveling – Yes, It’s Possible!

Being location independent can be a great thing, but for most you do have to earn a living somehow so that you can support yourself. Many...

10 Daily Challenges To Improve Your Life

Do you feel like your life isn’t going the way you want? Maybe you had a different plan but things don’t seem to be going that way. Maybe...

Life Update – Our House Finally Sold!

Time for another life, goals, and food budget update. It’s been TWO months since I last did a life update. The last two months have been...

We Bought An RV!

You read that correctly. WE BOUGHT AN RV! Now, this wasn’t just a random, spur of the moment decision. We have been thinking about buying...

Memorial Day And Some Summer Spending Statistics

Hello everyone! Today’s post is just a short one due to the holiday. On Wednesday, I will have a new post for you to enjoy. I hope all of...

What Hopping Around Countries Taught Me About Money

Every country I’ve been to has its own quirks and habits when it comes to money. Sometimes I’d find this out the hard way through awkward...

Utah, Nevada, and California Road Trip Recap

On this road trip, we did some sight seeing, climbed a little, and went on several fun hikes. We were able to enjoy all of the national...

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