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I finally have my Masters

I finally have my Finance MBA! Last night was my last class, my last final, and everything else. No more homework, group projects or a...

Dual Income No Kids

I read a great post on Club Thrifty the other day titled Having Children: An Expensive Decision. The topic of children comes up a lot in...

What’s NOT in my Purse?

I cleaned out my purse the other day. A ton of garbage came out of it. I filled up a whole shopping bag full of papers, candy wrappers...

Volunteer Ideas

Hey everyone! Happy Friday. The week went by pretty slow for me. Can’t wait until classes are done and I don’t have to worry about...

Being Positive

Happy Friday everyone. This month seems like it’s flying by. I love summer, but I’d rather be done with classes. Anyways, I’m mixing...

Extra Money Ideas

Shorter post today. Super busy with all the car stuff, work and school. But of course I don’t want to leave you hanging 🙂 and I also...

What to do with all my free time

As you all know, I have a countdown every Monday for when I’m finally done with my MBA. It’s probably very annoying for all of you, but...

Buying a NEW Car

Yup, you read that right. You can kind of guess where this post is going. If you follow me on Twitter, then you already know. I also...

My Money Obsession/Confession

Over at The Random Path, Mackenzie made a blog post about obsessing over money too much. I feel the exact same way, and sometimes (ok all...

Summer Bucket List

Hey everyone! I hope you’ve been liking all of these personal “get to know me” posts, because here comes another one. I’m not all about...

Weekly Roundup

I hope everyone had a great week! It went by pretty quickly for me. Not too much planned for the weekend besides lots of studying for my...

Get to know me!

Back in March, I made a post full of random facts about me. Check it out here! Last time a lot of us had a ton in common! I’m glad that...

Having a Back-up Plan

My friend was supposed to leave 2 weeks ago to go on a 2 month long archaeology dig. ONE DAY before she was supposed to go, she received...

Blog: Blog2
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