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Money or Passion?

There has been something that I haven’t told all of you yet. I have hinted at it in a couple of tweets, but I haven’t really come out and...

How/Why I Chose my Graduate School

Now that I’m officially done with school and my MBA program, I feel like I can fully reflect on what I got out of my graduate education....

I finally have my Masters

I finally have my Finance MBA! Last night was my last class, my last final, and everything else. No more homework, group projects or a...

How My Part Time Job Became My Passion

I had gone to the YMCA when I was home from school and during my work semesters. All I did was run on the track (Side note: I can’t...

Extra Money Ideas

Shorter post today. Super busy with all the car stuff, work and school. But of course I don’t want to leave you hanging 🙂 and I also...

Weekly Roundup

I hope everyone had a great week! It went by pretty quickly for me. Not too much planned for the weekend besides lots of studying for my...

What would you do in this situation?

Remember my post recently about Having a Back-up Plan? As a re-cap, she was offered a position where she would be gone for June and...

Having a Back-up Plan

My friend was supposed to leave 2 weeks ago to go on a 2 month long archaeology dig. ONE DAY before she was supposed to go, she received...

Getting a Second Job?

I keep telling all of you that my goal right now is to increase my income and not cut too much more out of our budget. The only way from...

Getting an MBA

I’m about to earn my MBA with an emphasis in Finance if you all haven’t realized (I’ve made it pretty obvious!). Come this August of...

Work-Life Balance and My Life

Between working 45 hours at the office every week, taking 12 credits in my MBA program this semester, blogging and doing homework, I...

Analyzing My Job and What matters to you?

Happy Tuesday everyone! Hopefully this week isn’t going too slow for you. I don’t have too much planned today except for the normal work...

Work Wear

I’ve been a little lazy with what I wear to work lately. I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s the cold, the fact that I’m lazy or I don’t know...

What salary would make you happy?

If there was a certain salary range that you believe would make you the happiest and feel the most fulfilled, what do you think that...

Do you use all of your vacation days every year?

Why did I do this? After not having a vacation day for over 5 years, you’d think I would use them all. I think since I didn’t have...

Is too LITTLE student loan debt an actual problem?

The article talks about Jesse who “scrounges for free food at campus events and occasionally skips meals.” He doesn’t exercise, sleeps...

What helps your career?

Savvy Sugar had an article on how golfing helps your career and it’s something that I’ve been wondering about. In my career, golf helps...

Figured out my MBA problems

So I’ve been thinking about what I want to do. Do I just want to get a General MBA and be more rounded or do I want to get a Finance MBA...

Ways that you might be stalling your job search

I found a good article here, that some of my friends should proooooobably read. Are you looking for a job? Make sure that you’re not...

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