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Saving to Earn

The following is a contributed post. On this blog there is a lot of talk about ways to earn extra income. But what about ways to save...

Fixed Rate Bonds

A fixed rate bond is a bond with a fixed coupon rate. Fluctuations in rates will not affect a fixed rate bond and therefore carry less...

Starting a Small Online Business

Starting a small business is an ideal option for those who wish to earn extra income, or if you plan to make this your main source of...

January Hangover Savings

So it’s nearing the end of February and with the January financial hangover behind us, we can realistically start budgeting and making...

Life Insurance vs. Life Assurance

When you’re looking for the right life insurance policy, it’s easy to get tied up in jargon and lose confidence in what you’re searching...

Save Money on Utility Bills

I’m sure most of you have seen your utility bills go up. It’s most likely freezing where you live, but I also do know that for some of...

Life Insurance

Life insurance is important because if anything does happen to you or your family, then the financial comfort and security of your family...

How to Save on Vehicle Purchases in 2013

If you are lucky enough to be in the market for a new vehicle in 2013, you owe it to yourself to do your homework to ensure that you are...

My unhealthy hair

Lately, I feel like I’ve been feeling kind of in the dumps because of my hair. A lot of people feel this right? I’m not alone? While I am...

What are QROPS

Have you ever heard of QROPS? Maybe you have heard of it and have a few questions or many questions about it. QROPS stands for Qualifying...

Personal Finance Resolutions For 2013

With Christmas and New Year finally behind us, January is a time to start worrying about finances all over again. Everyone’s bank account...

Blog: Blog2
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