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Life Is Great And Weekly Update

The weather is great, the business is going very well, I’ve been getting outside a lot, my family is great and my friends are awesome. I...

How To Save Money By Bartering Services

Weddings are expensive, and since the very beginning I knew that I didn’t want to spend anywhere near the national average of $26,000 on...

March Update and April Goals

Our first green smoothie ever… YUM! Hello everyone! I know it’s still March, but it’s the last day so I figured it was fine for me to...

Wedding Update – Up To $20,000

When I first created my wedding budget (back in January of 2013), I wanted to stay under $20,000, and preferably around $10,000 to...

I’m a Lazy Bride and Weekly Update

This past week was a good one, except for two little things. One – Wes hurt his back and couldn’t walk at all, which meant we had to go...

Should You Get a Prenup?

She thinks that he won’t take it the correct way, but she wants to protect herself in case anything were to happen. Does this mean she...

Random Wedding Planning and a RANT

Hey everyone! This is a loooong post just so all of you know. Exactly how long? 1,950 words to be exact. Enjoy! 🙂 Recently, I have been...

Our Wedding Plans – We Need Advice

Hey everyone! Today’s post will be all about our wedding. I’m looking for ideas and tips to make sure that I am not missing anything....

Where should we travel to?

Now that I’m self-employed, I can pretty much work wherever I want to – I just need my laptop (well, and money). I can manage my business...

How Much Was Your Wedding?

This is W’s Grandma’s – Where we are having our wedding. Hey everyone! Happy Friday. I’m out enjoying #FinCon13 and it’s a lot of fun. ...

How to Set a Wedding Budget – Part 1

In fact, a wedding budget is probably barely mentioned at all by most people. That said, if you don’t want to start out life as a...

Engagement Photos

We had our engagement photos done last month. We went to Laura Ann Miller Photography and she was awesome. We went to the same college...

Blog: Blog2
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