Hey everyone! Today’s post will be all about our wedding. I’m looking for ideas and tips to make sure that I am not missing anything. Since we are planning our wedding all by ourselves and are using W’s family’s property as a venue, planning is pretty much all up to us.
We don’t have someone to tell us if we are doing something wrong or if we should be doing something different, because there is no “venue coordinator” for our location. I’m also not interested in hiring someone to plan the whole thing because I would really much rather plan all of the details myself.
Sorry if this post seems like I’m rambling – it’s because I am.
Day of coordinator.
I’m not sure if I will get flack for this, but I do plan on hiring a day-of coordinator so that I don’t have to deal with the craziness of the wedding on the actual wedding day. This person can help arrange the centerpieces, direct everyone with what they should be doing, make sure that everything is on schedule, and so on.
Also, if something happens that is weather-related, they can help fix whatever that problem is and I won’t have to freak out as bad.
Lawn games.
We plan on buying lawn games from Etsy (there are some for sale there that are nice and can be custom-made for your wedding). I do think the lawn games will be fun for wedding guests after the ceremony when we are taking our pictures.
What lawn games would you want to see at a wedding?
Backup plan.
I haven’t really thought of a back up plan. Even if we had a ginormous tent, bad weather could still ruin our plans. We are really hoping for perfect weather, and I know that’s a long shot.
June in Missouri can either mean that it’s nice weather or extremely hot 100 degree days. If it was that hot, we would definitely need air conditioning for our tents. Does anyone have any idea how much this would cost?
We don’t want it to be too muddy, because that of course would create a huge mess.
Also, if it rains too much, then the roads will flood (as they often do whenever it rains), and it would make it impossible to get to the wedding.
So, if anything weather related happened (mainly just rain), then we would have to have backup venue. Of course, this issue arrises with almost any outdoor ceremony and reception, but it still does scare me!
We will have to find a place nearby that would allow us to have an indoor reception at the last moment. Has anyone ever done this? How does the fee usually work out since it’s a backup plan? Or did you just risk the weather and not have a backup plan?
Where we are having our wedding, there is a very long windy road that I hardly ever see cars on, unless it is someone in the family. There is no cell phone service at W’s grandma’s property, so each person calling a taxi would probably not work out. Also, a limo or shuttle might be a little difficult to get back there as well. We do need to think of a ride arrangement just in case anyone is unable to drive after the wedding.
We might have to call a taxi and have it prearranged for them to show up, or designate someone for this job to shuttle people to the nearest hotel.
I don’t know how many vegetarians will be attending, and we really want catered BBQ at our wedding. What are some vegetarian type foods that we should have? If you are a vegan or vegetarian, what do you like to see at a wedding?
What tips do you have for an outdoor wedding? Anything that you have seen that you did not like?