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Are Tablets Worth It?

I collectively gasped right along with the rest of North America. Ever the frugal girl, it would be years before I got to hold my very...

Getting a Second Job?

I keep telling all of you that my goal right now is to increase my income and not cut too much more out of our budget. The only way from...

What’s Your Happy Number?

I’ve seen a lot of articles lately which say that the “happiness” number for most people is around $50,000 a year. Over 1,000 people were...

He makes less money, so what?!

For some reason, the same money topic keeps coming up. This has never really happened too often before last month, but now it’s happened...

Money in my 20s

Happy Friday everyone! This week went by pretty quick for me thankfully. I have a pretty packed weekend (but it’s mostly fun stuff) so...

I hate AT&T

So yesterday, I was checking my bill pay accounts and for some reason my bill for my AT&T didn’t go through. I always have the bill paid...

Secret shopping and dinners recently

I’ve been doing a lot of secret shopping over the past 2 weeks and the second picture is some of the stuff that I’ve gotten recently....

What are your top money rules?

Yahoo the other day had a great article on top money rules. Pay Yourself First. Many people (I hope you are included in this) budget...

Facts About America’s Richest 1%

Here are the top 5 facts about the 1% of our nation from Yahoo! Finance. Top 1% owns 40% of the nation’s wealth. 25 years ago, the top 1%...

Spending, Life and Food Updates…

I ate out the other night for dinner. Shhh don’t be mad. I went to Qdoba with friends and I miss eating dinner with them! We’re all on...

How To Start or Fix Your Budget

Creating a budget is very important in managing your money well. If you’re not like me, creating a budget probably isn’t any fun. I...

Make Money

I talk about extra income a lot. To read my posts about extra income, click here. Below are my extra income updates: $672 extra in May...

Blog: Blog2
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