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Are Tablets Worth It?

I’ve wanted a tablet since the first one was presented to the world. The sleekness, the small size, the operating system!

I collectively gasped right along with the rest of North America. Ever the frugal girl, it would be years before I got to hold my very own in my hands, as a Christmas gift from my Dad.

I was in love, I got a Nexus 7, and I didn’t put it down for three straight days. It didn’t do anything my cell phone couldn’t do, but the seven inch screen was so much easier to navigate.

It wasn’t until I was sitting on my couch a few days later that the bubble burst. I had my lap top on my lap, my cell phone in one hand, and my tablet in another. My inner minimalist cringed. That’s just too much technology. I shrugged it off, I had a new tablet! Who cares if it didn’t actually add much functionality to my life, it was so pretty.

Then, on the way into bed, I picked up my phone and my tablet, and carried them over to my night stand. That cringe again. Two pieces of technology instead of the traditional one? Weird.

So, are tablets worth it?

The verdict?

It took a couple of weeks for me to totally get used to having an extra electronic device in my life. While my tablet is great and I really love it, it’s kinda unnecessary.

It’s great for reading my ebooks, but I’d read a few on my phone already. It’s great for social networking, checking up on my blog, and managing my calendar, but my lap top already performed those functions. As awesome as it is, it’s not doing anything new or novel in my life except taking up a little bit of extra space on my coffee table. On the minimalist front, it’s a fail.

I’m ok with that though. In the end, I’m happy I have it. I love the portability, I love that I can spare my lap top (it’s getting old after all) from a little bit of use. I’m also happy that I didn’t pay for it myself. I’m trying to get out of a lot of debt, and such a big investment while I’m sending so much of my take home pay towards debt wasn’t really in the cards.

Most of all, I’m going to be really happy I have it for my business trips this month. Who would’ve thought that a lap top could get so cumbersome? I won’t have to drag my briefcase through security anymore, I’ll just pop my tablet into my bag and away I’ll go.

So, even though it’s adding a bit of bulk to my life, I like my tablet, and I would consider it definitely worth it.

Speaking of tablets, you should totally enter the give away Michelle is hosting. There’s a chance to win a Nexus 10!

Do you have a tablet? Are tablets worth it to you?

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