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How To Reduce, Reuse, And Save More Cash

Hi, this is Michelle’s editor, Ariel! You may have seen me here before talking about taking my side hustle full-time, living in a small...

Less is More: Guide To Becoming a Minimalist

Whatever your reason may be, cutting back on the number of things you own can help you in many ways. Related: 8 Items To Sell Around Your...

Stop Comparing Yourself To Others And Live Your Own Life

Over the years, I’ve compared myself to others plenty of times. I’ve compared myself to others when it came to school, looks, money, and...

The Less You Own, The Less That Owns You

I hoarded lots of items, hoping that one day I would find a use for them. I often thought that I needed things, so I would purchase crazy...

I Still Wear Shirts That Have Holes In Them

We’re still the same people, just with high incomes. I still wear shirts that have holes, and I am still conscious of spending money....

18 Ways To Simplify Your Life in 2019

Life can be hectic, which is a big reason for learning how to simplify your life. Managing your life can become difficult while planning...

Why Paying For A Storage Unit Is A Waste of Money

Despite that, according to SpareFoot, nearly 10% of households also rent a self-storage unit. That is a lot of storage units! Just over a...

What It’s Like Living In An RV

Some people think we’re crazy (okay, most people think that), others are extremely interested and want to do it as well, but the most...

Why Would A Person Choose To Live A Frugal Life?

For some reason, there is a myth out there that living a frugal life means you are living a boring life. Some even believe that if you...

Should We Get Rid Of A Car And Just Have One?

We currently have two cars, but have been seriously thinking about sharing a car and downsizing to just one. I hardly ever drive, and I...

It’s Your Money, Who Am I To Judge?

Earlier this month, I came across the article It’s my money and I’ll spend it how I want to. As soon as I was done reading it, I knew I...

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