How To Reduce, Reuse, And Save More Cash
Hi, this is Michelle’s editor, Ariel! You may have seen me here before talking about taking my side hustle full-time, living in a small...
Hi, this is Michelle’s editor, Ariel! You may have seen me here before talking about taking my side hustle full-time, living in a small...
Learning ways to simplify your life in 2020 can completely change your life and future for the better. Trying to manage your life,...
“First I was dying to finish high school and start college. And then I was dying to finish college and start working. And then I was...
Whatever your reason may be, cutting back on the number of things you own can help you in many ways. Related: 8 Items To Sell Around Your...
Over the years, I’ve compared myself to others plenty of times. I’ve compared myself to others when it came to school, looks, money, and...
Did you know that the average person watches over 30 hours of TV a week? Even if you used just half of those hours finding things to do...
I hoarded lots of items, hoping that one day I would find a use for them. I often thought that I needed things, so I would purchase crazy...
We’re still the same people, just with high incomes. I still wear shirts that have holes, and I am still conscious of spending money....
Life can be hectic, which is a big reason for learning how to simplify your life. Managing your life can become difficult while planning...
Despite that, according to SpareFoot, nearly 10% of households also rent a self-storage unit. That is a lot of storage units! Just over a...
Some people think we’re crazy (okay, most people think that), others are extremely interested and want to do it as well, but the most...
When we sold our house and moved into an RV, we had to give away a ton of our stuff so that we could start living minimally in a smaller...
Downsizing your home can be a big process. And, less and less people seem to be doing it these days. We were fairly close to this size...
In August of 2015, we returned from 15 months of travel through Mexico and Europe with our young son. We saved hard throughout my...
For some reason, there is a myth out there that living a frugal life means you are living a boring life. Some even believe that if you...
We currently have two cars, but have been seriously thinking about sharing a car and downsizing to just one. I hardly ever drive, and I...
I’m sure everyone has extra things laying around their home that they do not need. If you are trying to pay off debt or reach some sort...
My closet is a disaster zone. That is why one of my goals for January of 2015 is to declutter my closet. It is a scary thing to see right...
Between managing retirement, paying bills, handling credit cards, saving for things in life you want and more, managing your financial...
Earlier this month, I came across the article It’s my money and I’ll spend it how I want to. As soon as I was done reading it, I knew I...