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59 Things To Do Instead of Watching TV So That You Can Take Your Life Back

Writer's picture: Puang ReviewsPuang Reviews

Did you know that the average person watches over 30 hours of TV a week? Even if you used just half of those hours finding things to do instead of watching TV, you could probably accomplish something great!

Now, I’m not completely hating on TV.

I have my favorite TV shows and can sit in front of a TV for hours on end.

However, for the most part, the average person probably spends way too much time just flipping through channels or watching something that they probably don’t even like.

We got rid of cable and even Netflix over one year ago (I recommend getting a digital antenna!), and it’s the best decision we’ve ever made. We’re able to save more money, we waste much less time on TV, and we’ve found plenty of better things to do instead of watching TV.

If you feel like you aren’t accomplishing your goals in life or that you are always pressed for time, then you should first analyze how much time you’re wasting each day, especially when it comes to how much TV you watch.

You may not even realize how much time you spend in front of the TV!

Once you realize how much time you are probably wasting in front of the TV, I want you to start taking back some of that time, stop watching as much TV, and put your time to better use by finding things to do instead of watching TV!

Here are 59 things to do instead of watching TV.

Improve your knowledge and experience new things.

If you are looking for things to do other than watch TV, then you may want to learn and experience new things in your life!

There are always new things to learn and experience, and this can help you grow and learn more about yourself. Plus, you will never know what you are talented at unless you try. You may even find a new favorite hobby!

  1. Learn a new skill. There are so many things to learn, such as how to knit, crochet, dance, draw, paint, rock climbing, fishing, cooking, and more.

  2. Read a book, blog, etc. If you’re looking for things to do instead of watching TV, then reading is a much better option!

  3. Go to the library. You can borrow books or movies, which you can then bring home and have a fun night in with friends and/or family.

  4. Go to a museum. When was the last time you went a museum?

  5. Attend a concert. Even better, find free concerts in your area!

  6. Learn how to invest. Investing is important because it means you are making your money work for you. If you weren’t investing, your money would just be sitting there and not earning a thing. This is important to note because $100 today will not be worth $100 in the future if you just let it sit under a mattress or in a checking account. Learn how to invest at The 6 Steps To Take To Invest Your First Dollar – Yes, It’s Really This Easy!

Active things to do instead of watching TV.

I believe that some of the best things to do instead of watching TV are being active and going outside. This can help to improve your mind, your well-being, and more.

Here’s a quick list of different active things you can do instead of watching TV:

  1. Do yoga.

  2. Meditate.

  3. Geocache.

  4. Go for a bike ride.

  5. Go for a hike.

  6. Go rock climbing.

  7. Go for a walk.

  8. Play with your pet.

  9. Go for a swim.

  10. Look at the stars.

  11. Go fishing.

  12. Go camping.

  13. Have a picnic.

  14. Have a bonfire.

  15. Watch the sunset or sunrise.

  16. Find free attractions in your city.

  17. Train for a marathon.

Do things around your home instead of watching TV.

Nearly everyone has something they need to do around their home. However, you may procrastinate by watching TV. Well, you should stop that now and finally tackle your to-do list!

Here are several things to do around your home instead of watching TV:

  1. Organize. You could organize paperwork, drawers, crafts, your basement and/or attic, and more.

  2. Get rid of your clutter. Most people have way too much clutter – start getting rid of some of it!

  3. Clean out your pantry.

  4. DIY projects. Everyone has that project they want to complete. Why don’t you start doing it?

  5. Paint a room in your home.

  6. Spend time cooking better meals. Who doesn’t want to eat better?!

  7. Complete maintenance around your home. There’s almost always something to do around your house when it comes to maintenance.

  8. Fix something around your home. Pretty much everyone has something that’s broken in their house. Spend some of your spare time and finally fix it!

  9. Improve your financial situation. Financial freedom is when you are able to live life without constantly worrying about money. It’s when you feel comfortable enough to follow your passion instead of thinking about the income you are bringing in. It allows you to not stress about an unexpected expense because you have an emergency fund. Financial freedom isn’t about how much money you make. It’s about how much you save, your financial habits, your financial goals, and more. Read more about this on Yes, You Can Reach Financial Freedom.

  10. Start a garden. Fresh food is the best!

Find a way to make extra money.

I talk a lot about making extra money, and I do this because I truly believe that learning about and actually making extra money can change a person’s life.

What better way to spend your time then by making money and improving your financial situation? Here are several things to do instead of watching TV, AND you can make extra money!

  1. Walk dogs and/or pet sit for extra money. If you love animals, then you may want to look into walking dogs or pet sitting. Rover is a great company to sign up with in order to become a dog walker and pet sitter. Learn more about this at Rover – A Great Way To Make Money And Play With Animals.

  2. Start a blog. The top thing I recommend doing to make money instead of watching TV is to start a blog! Blogging is how I make a living, and just a few years ago I never thought it would be possible. In fact, before I started my blog, I didn’t even know that blogs existed! I currently earn around $100,000 a month with my blog. I also have a Free How To Start and Launch A Money-Making Blog Course that you can join, and it will help you start and launch a successful blog.

  3. Start a business – The Small Business Roadmap – Are you thinking about starting your own business? The Small Business Roadmap will show you what steps to take to start your own business.

  4. Proofread for a living. In 2014, Caitlin made slightly over $43,000 as a freelance proofreader, while also going on several fun vacations. If you are looking for things to do instead of watching TV, this may be something to look into. Learn more at Make Money Proofreading By Becoming A Freelance Proofreader.

  5. Edit content. Websites, books, courses, and more all need editors! No matter how many times a person reads a piece of content, something usually slips through. If you’re a grammar-nut, then this can be a great way to make money.

  6. Become a photographer. Do you love photography? You might be able to make money as a wedding photographer, portrait photographer, event photographer, and more. Learn more at How To Make $25,000 – $45,000 A Year As A New Photographer.

  7. Host a garage sale. A garage sale can be a great use of your time because you can finally get rid of the extra stuff laying around your home as well as make some money!

  8. Answer surveys. Survey companies I recommend include Swagbucks, Survey Junkie, Clear Voice Surveys, VIP Voice, Product Report Card, Survey Club, ProOpinion, Pinecone Research, Opinion Outpost, Survey Spot, and Harris Poll Online. These survey companies are free to join and free to use! You get paid to answer surveys and to test products. It’s best to sign up for as many as you can, as that way you can receive the most surveys and make the most money.

  9. Become a bookkeeper. Ben, founder of Bookkeeper Business Academy, explains how becoming a bookkeeper may be a possibility for you. Ben helps people start and grow their own bookkeeping business with his online bookkeeping course. And, guess what? You don’t have to be an accountant or have any previous experience! This can be a great way to find something to do instead of watching TV. Learn more at Make Money At Home By Becoming A Bookkeeper.

  10. Become an Uber or Lyft driver. Spending your spare time driving others around can be a great money maker. Read more about this in my post How To Become An Uber Or Lyft Driver. Click here to join Uber and start making money ASAP.

  11. Sell on Amazon. If you want to find a good use of your time, then you may want to start an Amazon FBA business! Jessica Larrew, of The Selling Family, explains how selling on Amazon may be a possibility for you. She is a friend of mine, and I am blown away by her success! The first year that Jessica’s family ran their Amazon FBA business together, working less than 20 hours a week total, they made over 6 figures profit! If you are looking for a new job, or even just a side hustle, this may be something that you want to look into. Learn more at How To Work From Home Selling On Amazon FBA.

  12. Sell/donate blood, plasma, eggs, etc. Yup, all of these can be sold for a price, and you can definitely make extra money by doing so. Women can earn anywhere from a few thousand dollars to $10,000 or more for their eggs, depending on their characteristics. Egg donors are typically under the age of 30 and healthy. African American women and Asian American women usually earn the most money as there is a larger need for their eggs. This is not easy money, though. There are a number of doctor’s visits, and extracting the eggs requires a medical procedure. For sperm, the average donation pays anywhere from $50 to $100. It can be quite easy to donate, and some men donate as much as 2-3 times each week.

  13. Mystery shop. If you’re looking for things to do instead of watching TV, then you may want to try mystery shopping. Yes, you can actually get paid to shop at stores and eat at restaurants! A few years ago, I mystery shopped a lot to make extra income. I made anywhere from $150 to $200 a month mystery shopping and received free meals, makeup, and more. I only used Bestmark for mystery shopping, so I know that they are a 100% legitimate company. There are other legitimate mystery shopping companies that exist, but you do want to do your research.

Improve your relationships.

By finding ways to watch less TV, you can finally regain your life and improve your relationships. Plus, you never know if someone wants you to reach out to them.

  1. Send someone a handwritten letter or a thank you note in the mail. Taking the time to do this can go a long way.

  2. Call someone you love. A phone call may be exactly what you or someone else needs right now.

  3. Spend time with family or a friend. You can never have too much quality time.

  4. Plan a get-together. Getting everyone together can be a great way to catch up.

  5. Cook a meal for someone important to you. Whether a friend just had a baby or if you know someone who is having a hard time, cooking a meal can mean a lot.

Be kind to others.

I believe that random acts of kindness can benefit everyone. Random acts of kindness can positively impact others and they are great for the soul too.

Whether the gesture is big or small, every act goes a long way. The smallest gesture can make someone’s day and completely change how they are feeling!

  1. Volunteer.

  2. Smile and say hello to everyone you cross paths with. I do this with everyone I see and it’s always great when someone does it back.

  3. Donate items from your home. Another thing you could do is donate an item for every one you bring home. So, each time you buy a shirt, donate a shirt!

  4. Donate blood.

  5. Bring a trash bag on a walk and collect any trash that you may come across.

  6. Foster an animal. If you’re able to, possibly adopt a new pet as well.

  7. Become a Big Brother or a Big Sister.

  8. Spend some time on Free Rice. For each answer that you get correct, the website donates 10 grains of rice through the World Food Program to help end hunger. Plus, it’s free to play!

  9. Create ready-to-go-bags for the less fortunate that you come across. You can help the homeless by filling a bag with a small bottle of water, a quick snack such as raisins, gloves, toothpaste, a toothbrush, small packets of dog food (their dogs are hungry too!), and more.

Find more ideas at 58 Random Acts Of Kindness.

How many hours do you spend watching TV each week? What do you think you could do instead of watching TV? I hope you enjoyed this list of 59 things to do instead of watching TV!


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