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Spending, Life, Extra Income, Food Updates…

Writer's picture: Puang ReviewsPuang Reviews

Happy Monday everyone! I’m loving that it’s a 3 day work week for me (as I’m sure it is for most of the rest of you in the US).

Not too expensive of a weekend for us. The boy’s little brother and sister spent the night with us and we hung out with them (they are in elementary and middle school). And on Sunday we saw Lincoln. It was good, anyone else see it? Or I’m guessing everyone saw Twilight? 🙂

I didn’t complete anything that I was supposed to do this weekend, so I plan on dedicating next weekend to that. Ugh procrastination is really getting to me.

My updates:


We did good with our spending this past week. We have really begun watching all unnecessary extra spending so that we can pay off my student loans quicker.

We’re really targeting April of 2013 as when we want my student loans completely gone, but would of course want them gone the month earlier if we can really stick to it. Some of you have asked why we chose this date. There really is no reason, we just wanted to choose something that was realistic and close. I will be making a post on this soon.

When do you plan on having your student loans gone? Or how long did it take you? If you have any tips, please share them below and I’ll try to include you in my post about my student loans.

Extra Income (this is on top of my salary from my job):

Another good week here for us. I made $1,210 from extra income last week. I will be making a post on this soon, so you all can be happy now 🙂

Don’t forget about my giveaway, maybe you can make some extra monthly income as well!


We did good with our food spending also. I spent around $50 at the grocery store for last week’s food. We would’ve spent more but I still have a ton of meat in the freezer to use.

We ate out a couple more times, but that was only because we had the boy’s little brother and sister with us and we took them out for dinner and breakfast over the weekend. How much did you spend on food last week? I always love hearing about everyone’s food updates!

I forgot to do a meal plan yesterday, so here it is below:

Monday – Chicken Teriyaki, Tuesday – Out to eat, Wednesday – Black Bean and Sweet Potato Burrito, Thursday – Thanksgiving of course!, Friday – Steak, Saturday – Out to eat, Sunday – Italian Sausage Soup

Being healthy:

I did horrible with being more healthy this past week. I went out to run a couple of times, but they weren’t very long. I’m blaming it on the cold weather. I have been eating better though. No more buying unhealthy snacks that I just munch on for no reason all day long.

How’s your spending, working out and extra income going?



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