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How I spent my money this week

5 Things I Did That Were NOT Frugal Went out for lunch, got a snack before class, and then ate at Chevy’s at night (AHHH I cannot revert...

Good Bad UGLY 11/17/2011

This post is courtesy of Misty over at Digging out from our Mess. Good: Next week is Fall Break! Then after that all I have is 2 more...

Spending, Life and Food Updates… 11/13/2011

Sorry for the lack of posts yesterday. I somehow slept for 14 hours and by time I woke up, I had tons to do. Today is a pretty easy going...

How I was and wasn’t frugal this week

I’m always late in doing this, but oh well. 5 Things I Did That Were NOT Frugal Bought heels (but they were from Forever21 and super...


I spend a lot of money on commuting every month. Between me and the BF, we spend an estimated $900 a month on our cars. That includes...

I hate AT&T

So yesterday, I was checking my bill pay accounts and for some reason my bill for my AT&T didn’t go through. I always have the bill paid...

Weekly Money Check-Up: 11/7

Here’s my Weekly Check-Up, courtesy of My Pretty Pennies. 1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on our mortgage but we also have...

Good Bad UGLY 11/3/2011

This post is courtesy of Misty over at Digging out from our Mess. Good: I did good with the grocery budget for October. I think I spent...

Should I start a Twitter account? And a house question

Everyone keeps telling me that I need a Twitter for my blog, but I just don’t know. For some reason Twitter has never really interested...

Weekly Money Check-Up: 10/31

Here’s my Weekly Money Check-up, courtesy of My Pretty Pennies. 1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on gasoline and food.We went...

Boring Sunday

I found the above picture on Pinterest. Yes I know that picture is massive, but I thought that would be a funny idea for a Christmas...

Spending, Life and Food Updates…

My spending has been under control, THANKFULLY! We still go out on the weekends (as most of you know, this is my budget killer). We’ve...

How I was and wasn’t frugal this week

I got the idea for this post from House Full of Searls. Great blog, check it out! Yes I realize this is a little late in the week, but...

Family Members Who are BAD at Managing Money

I came across a great article on Wise Bread today titled How Do You Deal With Family Members Who Are Bad At Managing Money? Here are the...

Financial SWOT

Blonde on a Budget did another post for her financial boot camp, and I really enjoyed it and thought it was a great idea, so here’s mine!...

Weekly Money Check-Up: 10/24

My Weekly Money Check-up, courtesy of My Pretty Pennies. 1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on food. I ate out a couple times and...

God Bad UGLY 10/24/2011

This post is courtesy of Misty over at Digging out from our Mess. Good: I’m doing really good with the grocery budget for October. I...

Ways to Improve Your Body Language

Wise Bread had a good article on body language. I know a lot of people who need to read this. You might not think you look disinterested,...

What are your top money rules?

Yahoo the other day had a great article on top money rules. Pay Yourself First. Many people (I hope you are included in this) budget...

Blog: Blog2
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