This post is courtesy of Misty over at Digging out from our Mess.
I did good with the grocery budget for October. I think I spent around $250-300 (this doesn’t include going out to eat, but it’s still good!)
I’ve been working out lately, but I don’t think I’m anymore toned. I’m starting to feel lazy again about this though.
Overtime for the BF has started! Money, money, money.
Doing good in my classes, only around 5 weeks left!
Work is going great also!
Need to get new stickers for the license plates on the truck. That will be around $85, not including the amount needed for the inspection. The total will most likely be around $120, and we hardly ever drive this truck, so this amount stinks. Still haven’t done this yet uggghhh.
It’s been getting cold, so we’ve been turning on our heat on some days. It barely ever kicks on so I guess I’m ok with this. I’m not prepared for $250-300 heat bills though.
The Ugly:
I can graduate next semester, IF I can manage to take 6 classes next semester. Having a full-time career, taking care of a house and dogs, and taking 18 MBA credit hours might kill me though. But at least I’d be done sooner then later and then have the rest of my life to not worry about homework anymore (that is until I’m 30 and I go back for my Executive MBA ughhhhhhhhh).
What’s going on in your life?