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Weekly Money Check-Up: 10/24

My Weekly Money Check-up, courtesy of My Pretty Pennies.

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on food. I ate out a couple times and I also went grocery shopping so that I could try my hand at OAMC (well cooking for a week) 2. Today I am thankful for GREAT weather, it’s supposed to be 85 degrees tomorrow. Also thankful for my life, friends and family. 3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free thing I did last week that made me happy was Having friends over on Friday night and making pina coladas (OK this is not free, but frugal). 4. I will consider this week a success if I finish my school projects and get an A on my test that I have on Halloween. What professor has an exam on Halloween? 5. The next big trip I am taking is Hmmmm.. We don’t really know yet. We are thinking that we might go to NYC for New Years, but haven’t decided.

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