Here’s my Weekly Money Check-up, courtesy of My Pretty Pennies.
1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on gasoline and food.We went out to eat a couple of times and that added up, but it wasn’t too much (maybe around $30 for the entire week) 2. Today I am thankful for my very fun weekend with friends. I love seeing all of the interesting and hilarious costumes 3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free thing I did last week that made me happy was sleep in all day yesterday. I wasted a whole day, but it was nice and relaxing 4. I will consider this week a success if I finish all of my studying for tests and homework. 5. This year for Halloween, I will be taking working all day and taking an exam for a class at night, so I won’t be able to hang out or hand out candy. Booooo