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Happy Holidays

I just wanted to drop in and say happy holidays to everyone. Whatever holiday you and your wonderful families celebrate, I hope it’s a...

Happy Holidays!

Today will be a nice and relaxing day for my little family (me, Wes, and our two dogs). It was a rather frugal Christmas for us, and we...

Happy 4th Of July!

Hello everyone! Happy Friday and Happy 4th of July to my readers who live in the United States. Today, I will hopefully eat a lot of BBQ...

Happy Memorial Day!

Hello everyone! I hope all of you had a great weekend and I hope it’s a great Monday for you as well. For those of you here in the United...

Happy New Year!

Hey everyone! I just wanted to pop in and say Happy New Year! We haven’t done too much because we are both recovering from the nasty and...

What I’m Thankful For

I know that this is a personal finance blog and that I talk about money A LOT, but life is not all about money. Yes, being able to pay...

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth of July everyone! I think we are having a small get together/BBQ at our house, and then going to watch fireworks tonight....

Ways to Spend Christmas Cash

Well Christmas is officially behind us! I received some great presents this year but one of the things I’m most excited about receiving...

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! And if you don’t celebrate Christmas, then of course I still hope you have a great day. Hope you all still...

Christmas and the Costs

I love the festivities, I love spending time with family, and I love the food. To me, spending an evening with family and friends around...

Tips to Tackle Clutter Before Christmas

With the weather starting to turn sour in many parts of North America, there’s no time like the present to get ahead of my clutter before...

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a great night! What did you do? We bought tickets beforehand and went to a bar for unlimited drinks, it was fun!...

Make it a good one!

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas everyone! Have a great day. #Uncategorized

Blog: Blog2
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