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Getting an MBA

I’m about to earn my MBA with an emphasis in Finance if you all haven’t realized (I’ve made it pretty obvious!). Come this August of...

Work-Life Balance and My Life

Between working 45 hours at the office every week, taking 12 credits in my MBA program this semester, blogging and doing homework, I...

He makes less money, so what?!

For some reason, the same money topic keeps coming up. This has never really happened too often before last month, but now it’s happened...

Money in my 20s

Happy Friday everyone! This week went by pretty quick for me thankfully. I have a pretty packed weekend (but it’s mostly fun stuff) so...

The Lifestyle Inflation Creep

Lifestyle inflation can be a savings killer. And for us it has been. Long ago were the days when we lived in a SUPER cheap rental house...

Relationships and Money

Most people look at me like I’m INSANE when I tell them that I bought a house with my boyfriend, let alone that we have joint finances....

Analyzing My Job and What matters to you?

Happy Tuesday everyone! Hopefully this week isn’t going too slow for you. I don’t have too much planned today except for the normal work...

Work Wear

I’ve been a little lazy with what I wear to work lately. I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s the cold, the fact that I’m lazy or I don’t know...

What salary would make you happy?

If there was a certain salary range that you believe would make you the happiest and feel the most fulfilled, what do you think that...

Do you use all of your vacation days every year?

Why did I do this? After not having a vacation day for over 5 years, you’d think I would use them all. I think since I didn’t have...

What helps your career?

Savvy Sugar had an article on how golfing helps your career and it’s something that I’ve been wondering about. In my career, golf helps...

Working Moms versus Stay-At-Home Moms

Learnvest has had two interesting articles the past couple of days on working moms and stay-at-home moms. Whether being a working mom or...


I spend a lot of money on commuting every month. Between me and the BF, we spend an estimated $900 a month on our cars. That includes...

Ways that you might be stalling your job search

I found a good article here, that some of my friends should proooooobably read. Are you looking for a job? Make sure that you’re not...

Women Power and Appearance?

Daily Worth had a great article recently on Women, Power, and Appearance. According to the article, a study that was recently published...

Are you too busy? Part 2

I typed up Part 1 last week, and now here’s Part 2. Learnvest had an article about being too busy, and of course it was calling out to...

Quitting Your Job

I don’t plan on quitting my job, but when I had to quit my job last year to take the one that I have now, it was hard. Luckily my boss...

Job References

I found a great article today on Wise Bread about job references, below are tips. A lot of my friends are trying to find jobs out of...

Would you ask for a raise?

Daily Worth had a great article the other day titled How to Ask for a Raise…And Get It! I’ve only asked for a raise once in my life...

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