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Too Much Spending and Weekly Update

As most of you know, our wedding was this past Saturday. It was a lot of fun and definitely very memorable. Lots of crazy things happened...

I Got Married!

Hello everyone! Short post today. Saturday, June 7, was our wedding day. It was a crazy day, and tons of things went wrong (severe...

What To Do When You’re A Workaholic

Then even before that, I was working full-time as a retail manager, attending college as a double major (I was taking around 24 credits...

It’s Your Money, Who Am I To Judge?

Earlier this month, I came across the article It’s my money and I’ll spend it how I want to. As soon as I was done reading it, I knew I...

Happy Memorial Day!

Hello everyone! I hope all of you had a great weekend and I hope it’s a great Monday for you as well. For those of you here in the United...

Too Much Spending and Weekly Update

May has been a great month so far, except for this cough that I just can’t seem to get over. Anyway, I had my bachelorette party this...

How To Buy A House At A Young Age

However, what some people might not know is that I bought my home at the age of 20. Yes, I was TWENTY YEARS OLD. I know this isn’t the...

May Goals and Life Update

May will be super busy for us. I’m going to Vegas next week for my bachelorette party, and Wes leaves for Vegas the day after I get back...

How To Enjoy Life Without Going Broke

The items/experiences below are not all free (is anything absolutely free anyways?), but they are ways for you to enjoy life without...

Life Is Great And Weekly Update

The weather is great, the business is going very well, I’ve been getting outside a lot, my family is great and my friends are awesome. I...

It’s Been Six Years

Today marks six years since my dad passed away. It’s been a hard six years but I do believe that life is getting better and that I am who...

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