Hello everyone and happy June! May was a good month for me. I hope it was for all of you as well.
In May, I had my bachelorette party in Vegas, and Wes also had his bachelor party in Vegas, but we didn’t go on the same days. We also took a ton of fun bike rides and finished up a lot of wedding to-dos on our wedding list.
It is now June, which means that it’s probably the craziest month of my life.
Our wedding is just a few days away (June 7th), and I must be a crazy person for planning an over 200 person outdoor wedding on private property all by myself. WHAT WAS I THINKING?
Oh well, I’m sure it will be a great time. I can’t wait! I’m hoping the weather will be great for us, please keep your fingers crossed.
Do you want to hear a funny/scary story as well? Yesterday, the wedding event rental company came out to the property where we are having our wedding, and they followed the wrong directions. I told them not to take the back way because it is impassable, even though GPS says that it is.
Well, they went the wrong way (the way I told them not to go), their truck got stuck in water and rocks, and they popped a tire. 3 hours later, a tow truck finally came to save the day thankfully though! It took the tow truck 3 hours to get him out though, as the back tire was popped on the truck and stuck in water. Before we used that tow truck company though, we did call one tow truck company and they told us “Good luck” and that they would not help us because it would be too much work…
I was really afraid that the rentals were going to get damaged (the driver told me he was in water so of course I believed him and freaked out!) and that I would be out of luck because the event company said that they were completely out of everything. GAH what kind of wedding would it be without tables, chairs, a tent, linens, and a dance floor?
Luckily it all worked out well and everything is now safe and sound on the property.
May Goals Update
Make $13,000 in business income. FAIL. I was slightly under this goal at $12,747 for May business income. I did make over $13,000, but I had a lot of expenses this month that I had to pay for.
Decide on our honeymoon. FAIL. We are thinking of going to Miami for a few days then going on a Caribbean cruise. What do you think? I mainly just want to go somewhere and relax because of all the craziness lately. We are also thinking about after Miami/the Caribbean, that we would go on a Florida road trip to see if we want to eventually move to Florida. If you live in Florida, where do you recommend?
Run/walk 4 miles (4 days a week), and do some lifting/ab work. PASS. I have been doing really well with this, but I haven’t really seen any changes 🙁 Stinks because I’ve been at it for 6 or 7 months and nothing has changed. Oh well, I will have to figure something out!
Have a great bachelorette party! PASS. We have a blast! Read my Las Vegas recap here. I spent less than $300 altogether on this trip!
June Goals
Make $13,000 in business income. I am keeping my same income goal from last month. I don’t know if I will reach it because of the craziness of the wedding, but I’m going to try.
Go on a honeymoon. Even though it’s not fully planned, I do still want to go somewhere this month. ANYWHERE with a beach and yummy food will do!
Run/walk 4 miles (4 days a week), and do some lifting/ab work. I still want to keep this up. I do want to add in a few bike rides each week as well. Last week we did nearly 20 miles just in one day and it felt great!
Have a fun wedding! The wedding is in a few days so I just need to relax and have some fun.
How did you do in May? What is your main goal for June?
Have you been doing well with your income, spending and being healthy?