Our wedding will happen right here in two weeks!
Hello! I hope all of you had a great week.
It was a good one for me, even if it was a little uneventful. We ran a lot of wedding errands this week and we also did some Spring cleaning.
We have family staying with us the week of our wedding, so we cleaned out the guest room (it’s been my “wedding room” for the past few months), and we now have over 20 LARGE boxes hanging out around our home of wedding stuff that I have bought but left in the shipping boxes.
I can’t believe how quickly all of this stuff added up!
Wednesday was also my birthday! I am finally 25 and still feeling young 🙂
We went to a BBQ place for lunch and then ate at my favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner. I wanted sushi originally but after being in the car for around 4 hours on my birthday running errands, I changed my mind because my favorite sushi place is around 30 minutes away and it just wasn’t worth it to be in the car any longer! BBQ and Mexican are just as tasty though.
We spent some money this week, but nothing too out of the ordinary. We went grocery shopping and paid for an oil change…
No wedding expenses came up this week, but next week almost everything will be due. AHH!
I believe around $8,000 will be due next week, which kind of makes my head hurt. We paid for a good deal ahead of time thankfully, but $8,000 is still a lot of money!
Business Income
May has been a good month so far, and I’m hoping to finish the month out strong. I’ve been working hard to stay ahead with all of my work and it’s paying off.
If anyone needs any help, check out my Hire Me page and let me know what services you are interested in.
Being healthy
I’m finally back on my workout plan. I don’t think I worked out at all in May before this week, which is scary to think about!
We did 7 miles on Wednesday and 7 miles on Thursday on our bikes, and I also managed to squeeze some actual workouts into my days as well this week.
The 7 miles on Thursday was rough because about 3 miles of it was all uphill and I really thought I was going to barf everywhere. Too much information (sorry!) but seriously, I need to get into better shape!
Wedding Planning
Our wedding is now only 2 weeks away. I’m getting nervous but also super excited. I’m sure all of you cannot wait until my wedding posts are done with. Sorry guys!
I won’t lie. At one point in the beginning of this month, I was really regretting the whole expensive wedding thing. We are having around 235 guests at our wedding, which is a lot of people!
I thought about how I was stupid for having an expensive wedding and how I should have just gone to the courthouse or eloped. Weddings are expensive, and they are also time consuming. I was feeling guilty for spending so much money on the wedding. I also felt bad because people from out-of-town were RSVPing yes and I was feeling guilty for making people come out for it.
Luckily, other brides told me that these feelings are only normal when you are around one month away. Now, I’m fully back in the wedding mood and I cannot wait for it! Weddings are expensive, and we have been saving for it. We can afford it so I really need to forget about these already budgeted expenses and just enjoy myself!
It’s funny how moods can switch so quickly and dramatically.
I’m ready to hang out with all of my favorite people (all 235 of them!) for the food, the dancing, the photo booth, and everything else. Everything is coming together very well! I can’t wait until we get our photos back, because I plan on sharing as many as I can with all of you.
Updates on different parts of the wedding:
RSVPs – Around 25% of people never RSVPed, so I followed up with each person individually. I’m glad that’s done! Our final number is around 235. That includes several babies under 1 years old though – I think around 15! Some guests will also only be there for the ceremony, but for the most part around 200 people will be there all night long.
Alterations – I followed up with my wedding dress alterations place and they said my dress will now be done on Tuesday. Thank god!
Honeymoon – Still haven’t thought enough about this. I want somewhere warm, fun, and a place that offers plenty of tasty food.
Marriage license – We need to get this one of these days…
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