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Are Excuses Causing You To Be Bad With Money?

If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not you will find an excuse.” ― Anonymous I honestly do know that some people have a...

Keeping Up With The Joneses

Do you ever feel like you are trying to keep up with the Joneses? It seems like everywhere I turn, a big purchase is happening to someone...

Life’s Little Splurges

There are a lot of things I spend my money on that I guess I could live without, but I really enjoy having them (and I don’t mind...

Spending, Life, Income and Food Updates… 1/3/2012

Here are some pictures that I took recently. An awesome French Bulldog thing from Urban Outfitters, food, Christmas, some presents and...

What habits keep you in debt?

Here’s a list of what might be keeping you in debt: 1. Banking fees. – We’re not Guilty. Do you keep track of your daily balances? Going...

Holiday Spending

I used a vacation day and took the day off. This would sound great, except the fact that I am really really really sick and I have to do...

What could you cut out so that you could save more?

Here’s my list of things that I could possibly cut (but most likely won’t) or things I could’ve done: Car. I’ve talked about this before...

New car or older car?

How much money would you have if you didn’t buy a nice car? I bought a brand new car in 2008, and I constantly think about how I could...

Do you bring your lunch to work?

I bring my lunch to work pretty much everyday. It saves a lot of money and I don’t have any close friends who work nearby, so why would I...

Spending, Life and Food Updates… 11/28/2011

A lot has happened the past couple of days. To start off, I got my newest ATT bill (click here to read my other post) and even though...

Spending, Life and Food Updates… 11/13/2011

Sorry for the lack of posts yesterday. I somehow slept for 14 hours and by time I woke up, I had tons to do. Today is a pretty easy going...

Spending, Life and Food Updates…

My spending has been under control, THANKFULLY! We still go out on the weekends (as most of you know, this is my budget killer). We’ve...

Do you raise your deductibles to save money?

Whenever I read articles about saving money, the article almost ALWAYS says to adjust your deductibles for different things, such as car...

Facts About America’s Richest 1%

Here are the top 5 facts about the 1% of our nation from Yahoo! Finance. Top 1% owns 40% of the nation’s wealth. 25 years ago, the top 1%...

Bad Financial Habits To Drop

Blonde on a Budget had another great post on her blog, check it out! It’s about breaking bad habits. She read a LearnVest article and...

Saving money on groceries

Groceries of course can be expensive. I’m trying to keep my budget for groceries around $200 to $250 a month. I still go out for meals...

Spending, Life and Food Updates…

I ate out the other night for dinner. Shhh don’t be mad. I went to Qdoba with friends and I miss eating dinner with them! We’re all on...

Financial Boot Camp

I got the idea for this post from Blonde on a Budget. She currently imposed a financial boot camp on herself, which I think is a GREAT...

How To Start or Fix Your Budget

Creating a budget is very important in managing your money well. If you’re not like me, creating a budget probably isn’t any fun. I...

Grocery Shopping Update

I went grocery shopping today, and I don’t think I’ve gone for awhile. Maybe around 2 weeks? I might be wrong, I have a horrible memory...

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