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Frugality And Ethics – When Is It Stealing?

I don’t think that there is anything wrong with saving money (of course, this is a personal finance blog), but I do wonder how far people...

When Being Frugal Isn’t Enough

Being frugal means you need less; when you need less, you spend less. When you reduce your expenses, you have more money left over in...

Frugal, Space Saving Hobbies

Now that I’m living the minimalist life, I’ve had to find ways to keep my possessions in check. I do this mainly by learning to live with...

Is Working from Home Cheaper?

Michelle isn’t the only one who’s making the switch to working from home, I recently accepted a job that is 100% remote, and as of this...

Fun, Frugal, and Free Activities

My life has changed so much in the past year, and with it comes the activities that I used to enjoy, versus the activities that I enjoy...

Cheap Ways to Stay Healthy

Myself, I don’t think so. I’m big on being keeping my financial house in order, but I think that’s second only to staying healthy....

How I Stay Motivated When Being Frugal

Today, I have an awesome post from Natalie at Debt and the Girl. Enjoy! I have to say that ever since I started this journey to rid...

I’ll Never Be a Frugal Blogger

I’m what you might call a bad personal finance blogger. Or maybe just a bad frugal blogger (never said I was a frugal blogger though!)...

eBooks: A Frugal Minimalist’s Dream

I didn’t always like reading. When I was very young, my parents couldn’t get me to read. I was behind in the school reading level, and...

Stay Frugal This Winter

Winter is not one of my favourite seasons. I live in Canada and here, winter is a long, dark, cold season. The snow hits in December, and...

Cheap or Frugal

I am cheap in many ways. I need to learn how to buy things for quality over quantity. As you all know, last week I asked you all on...

How We’ve Cut Our Budget

While we haven’t found many new ways to cut some expenses out of our lives, there are many things that we have done. Every little bit...

Some Frugal (and expensive) Date Ideas

Today is Friday! I’m finally feeling better. Having the stomach flu is the worst and I hated it so much. It was miserable having to work...

How I spent my money this week

5 Things I Did That Were NOT Frugal Went out for lunch, got a snack before class, and then ate at Chevy’s at night (AHHH I cannot revert...

Habits you need to kick in your 20’s

There are many habits that I hope to get rid of soon. Learnvest had an article about it the other day. Here are habits you need to kick,...

How I was and wasn’t frugal this week

I’m always late in doing this, but oh well. 5 Things I Did That Were NOT Frugal Bought heels (but they were from Forever21 and super...

How I was and wasn’t frugal this week

I got the idea for this post from House Full of Searls. Great blog, check it out! Yes I realize this is a little late in the week, but...

What are things that you don’t skimp on?

Getting Ahead has recently been posting a series about most frugal options. Sometimes the most frugal things you can do are not the best...

How I was and wasn’t frugal this week

I got the idea for this post from House Full of Searls. Great blog, check it out! 5 Things I Did That Were NOT Frugal Went to Oktoberfest...

Some finance and life updates…

I haven’t really update everyone on everything lately, I should probably do this more so that I can keep track of everything (and because...

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