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Update: Three Months of Being Self-Employed

My last day at my day job was back in early October. It’s crazy to think that it’s been a little over three months since my last day....

Extra Income Idea: I’m a Creative Web Entrepreneur

I’ve been on the web for 7+ years now, and I stand here as a battled tested graphic designer/ creative web entrepreneur. My journey has...

How To Promote Your Blog Through Networking

Hey everyone! If you haven’t yet, please check out my newest monthly income update – $12,160 in December Business Income. I also...

Extra Income Idea: I’m a Beachbody Coach

Hey everyone. Today I bring to you the next edition of my “Extra Income” series. If you would like to be featured, please send me an...

We have $200,000 in Student Loan Debt

Hey everyone! The other day I received an e-mail from a reader who wants your help. I left out some identifying information because she...

Tips For A Better Work-Life Balance

His addiction was so bad that him and his girlfriend went to therapy because he was addicted to work and staying online. He said he...

Making The Decision To Leave Your Job

Hey everyone! I hope all of you had a great weekend. Lately, I have been answering questions that readers have been asking me. The other...

How To Be Successful

Everyone wants to be successful. Yes, I said it. I don’t know of many people who can say that their goal is not to be successful. Being...

Extra Income Series: I Run a Resume Business

Here is a small blurb from her resume business website: “They say finding a job is all about “who you know”. While that is definitely an...

My Motivation For Side Income

But these side jobs did become my full-time job, and I’ve never been happier. My side hustles completely changed my life and when I think...

How To Become A Full-Time Freelancer Part 2

Now that I have finally switched to full-time freelancing, I have received many e-mails from others asking how they too can be...

Attending College as a Non-Traditional Student

Recently Michelle shared that W was returning to school, and asked for some tips for non-traditional students. I recently graduated, and...

I’m 100% Self-Employed – My Plans For the Future

Well, I was recovering from all of the craziness after #FinCon13. I still can’t believe how awesome it was, and I learned many things...

What Young Adults Should Know

As a 24-year-old, there are many things that I wish I knew when I was just a little younger. Yes, I know that I am young, but almost...

Is Working from Home Cheaper?

Michelle isn’t the only one who’s making the switch to working from home, I recently accepted a job that is 100% remote, and as of this...

Being Defined By Your Job or Career

FYI – This is kind of a rant post. Please don’t get upset if anything sounds crazy, I’m just trying to get everything off my chest....

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