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How To Promote Your Blog Through Networking

Hey everyone! If you haven’t yet, please check out my newest monthly income update – $12,160 in December Business Income. I also published my 2014 goals on Monday – 2014 and January Goals – It will be a GREAT year.

Whenever I publish my newest income update, I always receive many questions about how to start a blog. Read this post if you haven’t yet – How To Start A Blog – Tips for a Beginner. Also, if you are still on Blogger, I made a post about why you should switch to WordPress.

A question that I am often asked is how a blogger should promote and network with their blog. I’m no expert in this area, but I do think that I know enough about it to write a blog post about it.

Networking with your blog is a great thing. Without it, my blog would literally have zero readers.

Without networking through my blog, I never would have started a side job, I never would have quit my job to freelance full-time. And I never would have 1,000 other things. Networking is what has helped me and my blog grow.

Read further on Diversified Finances.

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