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What are your top money rules?

Yahoo the other day had a great article on top money rules. Pay Yourself First. Many people (I hope you are included in this) budget...

What are things that you don’t skimp on?

Getting Ahead has recently been posting a series about most frugal options. Sometimes the most frugal things you can do are not the best...

YAY Exciting News! (well exciting for me at least)

The BF was told that the holiday rush is starting this week! So starting this week he’ll be getting around 10 extra hours a week and it...

Living well on the amount of money you have

I saw an article the other day on Yahoo! Finance about living well on $20,000. And then I noticed the 4 Hats and Frugal did a related...

Do you raise your deductibles to save money?

Whenever I read articles about saving money, the article almost ALWAYS says to adjust your deductibles for different things, such as car...

Facts About America’s Richest 1%

Here are the top 5 facts about the 1% of our nation from Yahoo! Finance. Top 1% owns 40% of the nation’s wealth. 25 years ago, the top 1%...

How I was and wasn’t frugal this week

I got the idea for this post from House Full of Searls. Great blog, check it out! 5 Things I Did That Were NOT Frugal Went to Oktoberfest...

Bad Financial Habits To Drop

Blonde on a Budget had another great post on her blog, check it out! It’s about breaking bad habits. She read a LearnVest article and...

Saving money on groceries

Groceries of course can be expensive. I’m trying to keep my budget for groceries around $200 to $250 a month. I still go out for meals...

Financial Boot Camp

I got the idea for this post from Blonde on a Budget. She currently imposed a financial boot camp on herself, which I think is a GREAT...

How To Start or Fix Your Budget

Creating a budget is very important in managing your money well. If you’re not like me, creating a budget probably isn’t any fun. I...

More Bank Fees

If you didn’t notice or read yet, Citibank announced new fees for their banking. This goes hand-in-hand with my other post, about Bank of...

Is your Budget in Balance?

I found a great link for a budget calculator, find it here. I don’t know if I agree with how everything is organized, such as my car...

Weekly Money Check-Up: 10/3

Here’s my Weekly Money Check-Up, courtesy of My Pretty Pennies. 1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on bills. Nearly all of our...

Grocery Shopping Update

I went grocery shopping today, and I don’t think I’ve gone for awhile. Maybe around 2 weeks? I might be wrong, I have a horrible memory...

Bank of America’s $5 debit card fee

I bet most of you have heard by now that Bank of America is going to implement a $5 fee for debit cards. If not, read the whole article...

Some finance and life updates…

I haven’t really update everyone on everything lately, I should probably do this more so that I can keep track of everything (and because...

Saving money on utility bills

Utility bills can be very high. My electric bill during the spring and summer months is usually around $200 and during the winter around...

How to not spend all of your money

It’s very easy to spend money, as every knows (DUH!) I came across a good article the other day here, on how not to spend money. I’ve...

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