Auto blogging is very popular these days among part time bloggers, and trending in blogging arena. So we would like to share name of few plugins to help readers of this blog to create an auto blog, this will really help those bloggers who have no time for their blog. All we want to say that if you will research you will find that the best example of auto blogging blog is Though there are many top Auto blogging plugins, but we want to share few plugins that actually worked for many bloggers.
Table of Contents
How it works and what is Auto blogging
Auto blogging is a very good alternative for those who have no time to maintain their blog or these works best for part time blogger. For example, if you use auto blogging plugins in your blog, your blog will be filled with all the news around of your niche. Auto blogging is dependent on RSS feeds. Bloggers need to add the URL of some popular blog feeds and they are all set. This also won’t be a copyright issue. As you are not copying any article rather you are just sharing the links.
There is a trick you must follow if you are using auto blogging plugins,that is you must take a minute to edit your posts and insert highly researched keywords having low competition with keyword difficulty checker FERZY so that it will get refreshed and then Google will provide more weight even to your auto contents.

Now without any delay let’s start our review on the top 7 Auto blogging plugins to create an Auto Blog

WP RSS Aggregator
This plugin is the world’s no.1 plugin in the category of auto blogging. We saw many bloggers using this plugin in their blogs. This plugin is very good for sharing the posts in your blog for targeted niche. Wp RSS aggregator has good features of importing videos from sites like YouTube and daily motion. So video sharing will give your blog many visitors. Let’s see the highlight features of Wp RSS Aggregator.

This plugin allows you to import videos from sites like YouTube.
You can set the interval time to import content. For example, if you select import content at 12:00 Am. It will update the articles at 12:00 AM.
This plugin has the support of short codes. You can use them and place them anywhere on your site.
Keyword Filtering – Just type the keyword in and get the posts only related to the keyword. Using this plugin you can only get posts from interesting niche if you like WordPress, just enter it and you will get latest posts from WordPress niche.
Excerpts & Thumbnails – Shows you the excerpts and thumbnails together.
Categories – Category division is very good way of reading. Your readers will be satisfied, if you use this add-on. Because it automatically categorize posts.
Widget – Hey don’t like auto blogging in homepage. But want to show latest updates for your visitors. This add-on helps you. Because using this plugin, you can add auto blogging widget in the sidebar of your WordPress blog.
All the extensions are paid. But the Main plugin Wp RSS Aggregator is free and can be easily found in the WP plugins directory.
Etruel’s store , home of Wpematico is another popular plugin for importing content from RSS feeds. This plugin has some spectacular features which cannot be found in another plugins. It has both free and paid versions. So I recommend you to try the free version and then try pro version.

URL correction : Hey don’t know the exact URL of a website feed. No problem wpematico will correct the URL of feed.
Keyword filtering: Automatically import but using this plugin, you can import content automatically which is liked by you. Because you are the one who select keyword.
This is very advanced plugin and it is a very good and top auto blogging plugin.
Wp Robot
Wp Robot auto blog plugin is the robust auto blog plugin which is used by thousands of users. This plugin is also paid and has three different licenses. First one is $89, second one is $129, and third one is $329. The rates are a bit high right ? . But this plugin makes the rates lower when compared to its performance. At the same time, it allows you to ask a complete refund for 14 days.
Its features:
Compatibility: this plugin is compatible with many WP themes.
It has also a feature of keyword filtering
This is really a top auto blogging plugin
Auto Blog
This plugin developer developed many plugins for WordPress. That is none other than wpmudev. This plugin also imports content from multiple sources. This plugin also offers keyword, phrase filtering which results in interesting content. Anyway, this plugin is very interesting and useful plugin.

Feedwordpress is another awesome plugin and it is very good and most downloaded plugin in the category of auto blogging. All you need is to setup the feeds by entering the URL. You can import feeds manually or automatically by adjusting the settings. This is very simple but a powerful plugin and it is very user-friendly. It is very compatible with RSS and atom feeds.
RSS post importer
This is also a free plugin which can make your blog updated with fresh content. This is very good for news related blogs. Because this can import huge number of posts from different source’s. So I highly recommend this plugin for beginners. This interface is very good and easily understood by beginners.
Wp RSS multi importer
This is also a free plugin which is good for beginners. Bloggers will get in love with this plugin. Because it has also the feature of importing content from Google news. Bloggers can import content from Facebook and other social networks. We can also YouTube for importing new videos. It is an all in one plugin for WordPress users.
Auto blogging is really useful for those who can’t write daily. This list will let you know about the top auto blogging plugins. Some of them are free and some are paid. If you are an auto blog lover, just use the above plugins and you are all set to make your blog fly high.