Instant Articles are a product for those who make publications to be able to quickly create native and interactive articles within Facebook. In addition, it provides a better experience; these articles allow publishers to bring their stories and publications to life in different ways. With these Articles users have the option to view photos in high-definition; observe how videos are self-produced as the user views the articles; explore interactive maps, listen to photo descriptions and even comment and interact with other users about the article or advertisement.
Facebook announced that it has partnered with Automattic; the WordPress based company, to build a free Instant Articles plugin that simplifies the process of creating and publishing Instant Articles from WordPress.
Related Article : Facebook Instant Articles Monetization
Table of Contents
Open Source of WordPress As A Support for Websites:
The open source WordPress platform currently supports more than 30 percent of all websites, and it is now possible to help millions of copywriters around the world bring the Instant Articles experience to their readers. The plugin is still a beta version but has already incorporated interactive tools that easily adapt to web content in the Instant Articles format and allow stories to come to life on mobile devices.
The plugin is able to recognize the image in an article and adjust the settings so that the photo can be displayed correctly in Instant Articles. The display can expand to the touch and allows a simple scan by tilting the phone.
Important Guidelines For Using Facebook Instant Articles:
You have to have the role of administrator on the Facebook page with which you want to create instant articles. You must have access to the web code to insert a small tag and connect the site with Facebook. You must also perform the personalization of the image that will have the instant articles.
To import the articles you have several options, in most cases is done with WordPress. Once all the steps have been completed, wait for the Facebook team to approve the articles. For this, you have to send several articles that they will review and this way they will give the approval to start publishing.
Step By Step Guidelines For Using Facebook Instant Articles:
Before starting to use the Facebook Instant Articles you must be clear the following steps:
Step No 1:

First, you have to enter the link that Facebook sends. Once there, you have to sign up and select the fan page that is going to use instant Facebook articles. (If you do not find a Facebook company page in this section you have to make sure to search as an administrator or have some role).
Step No 2:

Once clicked, go to the “publishing tools” section which you can find at the top of the Facebook page, right next to “Settings”. From this section, instant articles will be edited and configured.
Step No 3:

To connect the web page with this tool it is necessary to add a tag just below the header of the web. After inserting the tag you have to copy the URL of the page. Then click on “Claim URL” and if everything is correct it should appear in green in order to continue.
Step No 4:

Once the plugin is installed, it will appear on the right side next to all WordPress settings. To start configuring the plugin simply log in and follow the following steps: Logged in – Page Selected – Style Customized – Submit for Review.
All these steps are very intuitive and once you have set up the plugins and connected to the Facebook profile you can start sending the test articles to start using instant articles. If there are problems when configuring the plugin there are links and different websites where you can find all the information on how to do it step by step.
Talk About Advantages of Instant Articles:
Instant articles have huge advantages compared to other articles that can be seen on the web and in the different media. These stand out above other items. Instant articles have a special logo added to publications. In this way, the user differentiates between articles that are instantaneous and “traditional”. In addition, they are faster for users. Users open these types of articles without having to wait for another site to load, making the process much faster and thus avoiding the bounce rate of users who leave even before they finish reading.
Importance of Improve Engagement In Instant Articles:
You can also improve engagement since in instant articles, while the user is reading, the user has buttons to comment, share or simply indicate if he likes or dislikes the content. It also enhances the experience in Smartphones and mobile devices. Mobile devices are increasingly used by people around the world and with instant articles, you can create greater experiences for users. It is necessary to take into account the purpose of this tool by Facebook is for users to get better.
Facebook has evolved a lot during the last years becoming a social network where users consume more media information and brands than friends and acquaintances. In the case of many people, now they follow media and brands that are interesting. These keep following their friends, of course but also use Facebook to view the content of personal interests. With all this, we must recognize that the content in this social network is booming and if thousands of people are able to share interesting content with different users on Facebook, you can get more engagement and an increase in sales that they make. As you can verify the installation is not very difficult although sometimes it is necessary to have experts who can help with the installation.
The plugin serves to streamline publications and distribution of instant Facebook articles in most standard WordPress templates, this means that it will not be available to all WordPress users at the moment but knowing that you are at the Automattic command we know that in short will be compatible with the vast majority of templates.
In several cases it is necessary some code be able to work with other plugins, the implementation is not as simple as what is accustomed since it is necessary to make configurations in several parameters for the personalization. Note that in order to add plugins you must have, otherwise you cannot make the modifications.