With the exceptional achievement of reaching the worlds top 5 in terms of masternode count even before the market started, the highest crypto-growth rate in history. 3DCoin now joined the European exchange p2pb2b.io on 14 December 2018.
P2pb2b.io is a very professionally ran exchange, it was a great choice for its low fees, excellent support service, and an interesting referral program that leads to even further savings on fees.
Belonging to the Districts Project ecosystem, 3DCoin represents, according to its founder, Zain, “the greatest leap forward in the adoption of the blockchain technology”, this is due to its original proof of service consensus protocol that immunizes it against most of attacks without the energy or staking requirements of older ones, and its advanced scripting that allows the 3DCoin blockchain to be the support of entire decentralized applications accessed both on the Districts 3D world or any other platform, while making all transactions instantaneous and programmable.
Initiated by the Blockchain Technology LLC, located in Dubai, mid 2016, the Districts Project swiftly gathered around itself many enthusiastic investors then successfully entered the ICO phase leading to the creation of 62 million 3DCoin, for a maximum supply of 85 million, the main net was launched in April 2018, followed by many updates in the track of the development roadmap.
It is the official currency of the Districts 3D VR world, which is meant to be a free space for business, education, and entertainment; contents existing as a decentralized application hosted and ran by a set of specialized nodes (Pulse, Prime), all made by the users.
Statistics show that the 3DCoin network is backed-up by more than 3100 masternodes demonstrating the solidity of the project and the trust that the community puts on the development team. Masternodes are central to the consensus protocol and will permanently replace miners in block creation.
3DCoin, and the Districts Project in general, aims at democratizing online entrepreneurship opening the opportunity for the largest numbers to create and run their DApp businesses, by offering intuitive tools that simplify the creation DApp and smart contracts.
To learn more, please visit: https://3dcoin.io/
Contact e-mail address: contact@districts.io
Telegram channel: https://t.me/Project_Districts