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Retiring Abroad?

I’ve thought about retiring abroad, mainly because I love traveling so much, but for me, I don’t think I would/could. I know I don’t have...

My Retirement and Debt Plan

Lance was asking me about my possible retirement plans. He first wanted me to write a post about how I became so awesome, but I thought...

Retirement Questions to Ask Yourself

There are many questions to ask yourself when thinking about retirement. When will I retire, how much money do I need to feel safe, where...

Roth IRA vs. 401(k)

A common question that I am asked is regarding the differences of Roth IRAs and 401(k)s. However, I don’t know everything about them and...

Investing for Beginners

P.S. I am not an investing genius. I almost have my Finance MBA and I work in the financial field, but I am not an investment/financial...

Rough Draft of our Retirement Plan

I’m not sure when I would want to retire, but hopefully somewhat young. 55 at the latest? I honestly have no clue. I think about...

Do I need a financial advisor?

Anyways, to get to the topic of this post, I’ve been thinking about getting a financial adviser. I recently received a pretty big bonus,...

When do you think you’ll retire?

Yahoo! Finance had an article the other day talking about how 25% of Americans expect to retire at the age of 80. This age is 2 years...

Secrets of Early Retirees

Everyone wants to retire early right? Retirement seems so far away for me (and it is) but I still want to retire early. But am I...

Blog: Blog2
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