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$14,156 in August Business Income

Background information: This all started out as my “extra income” report because before October of 2013, I still had my day job. In those...

4 Common Mistakes Made By The Self-Employed

No, I’m definitely not an expert but I do know a little bit about owning businesses and running them since that’s all I did when I had my...

$14,937 in July – My Highest Income Month

It’s that time of the month again. It’s time to look at my monthly income report and track my progress over the past month. This all...

Confession: I Let Money Control My Life

The other day someone told me it’s impossible for a personal finance blogger to not worry about money. They were saying I should be...

Would You Rather Work For Less Money Or More Money?

My question today though is a little different. Would you follow your passion if it meant you were to make less money? Or would you...

Update: Nine Months of Being Self-Employed

That means it’s been around 9 months since I left my day job to pursue full-time freelancing. It feels like it’s been much longer than...

How To Know If Freelance Blogging Is Right For You

If you’re a regular reader of Making Sense of Cents, you may know how Michelle went from making money on the side to quitting her job and...

What I Don’t Miss About My Day Job

I won’t lie. My day job wasn’t the worst thing on earth, but I knew it wasn’t for me. When I first started going to college, I thought I...

What To Think About Before You Start A Blog

$30,000 a month blogging so this, of course, leads to many blogging questions. The other day I received a question from a reader who...

How To Budget As A Freelancer

Some months I don’t make any income for a few weeks, and then it all comes in at the end of the month. Other times, all of my income...

What To Do When You’re A Workaholic

Then even before that, I was working full-time as a retail manager, attending college as a double major (I was taking around 24 credits...

How To Gain Experience When You Have None

Whether it’s an entry level job, a new career you are looking to start, or something else, most job descriptions say something about how...

6 Reasons You’re Horrible At Saving Money

Anyway, as a personal finance blogger, I hear a lot about everyone else’s money stories. For the most part, I hear a lot of excuses for...

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